Chapter 333

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I teleport back to the Minotaur Dungeon and recall the events inside the Demonic Realm to Ember, who replies with a sly grin and eyes full of interest.

"So it's a trial realm. Once the three stages of tests are complete, the realm will collapse and bring you back here, I'm positive. I've seen these used before many times by newly ranked-up demons. They're usually used for combat training once you reach a certain point, passing level 500 or so."

I reply to this.

"Training? For what? Don't demons naturally rank up and gain levels as they guard a Labyrinth?"

Ember replies.

"Some do, some don't. Others practice with trials controlled by the King, preparing for a possible future when they're allowed back into the Demonic World. This one is one of the Tier 2 trials, three stages of waves with increasing difficulty. Rewards for trials like this would be items like the dagger you already hold, or the special Demonic Stones you mentioned dropped from the first boss."

I ponder to myself for a moment.

"So my dagger came from one of these realms?"

Ember shrugs and turns to the rift.

"It's impossible to know. There was nothing like the Abyss in my previous knowledge, so the source could possibly be different. Times are changing. What I do know is, you'll need to use mana and Demonic Energy to take out the opponents ahead if they're as powerful as you say. Use the training we've gone through so far, but be mindful that contact with any outside Demonic energy with your active skills will cause a reaction. You'll have to worry about other monster's energy as well, not just your own."

I stare down at the dagger still half-sunken into the ground by Ember's side, then look up at the rift, deciding not to take the blade with me just yet.

"Got it. I need to do some more tests."

Without another moment to think, I jump through the rift and start trekking through the dark cave again.

The pathways and tunnels feel much more familiar this time around, and I make it out to the side of the mountain in a matter of minutes.

The climb downward is much easier as well.

Once the Demonic Energy-filled air clears up and the open field below comes into view, the stone tablet far off in the distance is visible to the naked eye. Not too far from it, a Minotaur almost double the tablet's size begins running toward me.

"Good. The trials don't restart. The second boss is still here. It can sense me from here too..."

I run forward and attempt my first mana-imbued skill attempt, activating berserker, bloodlust, and extreme strength to boost my movement speed and many other stat points. The red and golden aura that forms around me manages to stay active while I reach into my item storage and pull out the duplicated Flame Emperor's sword.

With each step closer I take, my anticipation grows.

My recent increase in speed and ability to use buffs allows me to perceive the enormous black creature in front of me. My left eye continues to watch the demonic energy swirling around the massive monster that runs my way.

I make it down the mountain entirely and begin charging my sword.

I decide not to air-step right away unless necessary because there's no mana in the air. Previously, I tested absorbing duplicated mana crystals on a body double, and it didn't work as well as I hoped. The crystals dissolve upon absorption and don't add any MP to my body or status.

My full bar is all I have to work with right now, so it's best not to waste anything.

Eventually, I come within attacking range and let a low-powered mana-based strike fly toward the demonic monster.

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now