Chapter 245

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I've gained the upper hand.

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

To my surprise, the sound of level-up notifications rings in my ears as more and more mutants die in the burning fires below.

I'm not that much higher of a level than them, so it would make sense that killing this many would continue to raise my own.

With a bright red, white, and blue glow completely covering the sky overhead blocking the energy that once added to this Boss monster's barrier, I can face this beast on my own terms now.

Without its constant energy renewal, it seems more on edge... but also more willing to fight. Its eyes glow darker and look more alert, fully aware of its situation.

The last remaining visible wisps of blue swirling magical fog make their way into its buzzing armor made of blue light, then the boss glares at me to let out its loudest ground-shaking roar.

"Dungeon Walker."

I teleport to its opposite side and let off a dual attack straight into its back.

With a swing of right-handed axe, it blocks one of my blades and the other collides with its shielding.

Dungeon walking away, I let off another attack to strike the monster's wide-open exposed flash.

It predicts my movements, and I have to dodge an energy attack from its left blade.

"As expected. You won't be giving up easily."

A wide smile stays on my face as we fight to the death.

Another dozen shots each fly back and forth, and I've managed to fit the monster 4 more times. Each attack draws more blood and now shrinks its mana shielding more than twice as fast as before.

I've consumed nearly half a million MP to launch my attacks, but it keeps enduring my blows. Luckily, there's an end in sight.

Without the excess mana in the air, the shielding it's using as a defense forms back at a rate almost 5 times slower than before.

Each attack I start letting out does more damage to its energy supplies, sending off larger white explosions and releasing more ambient mana into the air.

Every shot that lands makes bigger breaks in its barrier opening up much larger targets for my second strikes to land.

Although the monster is adapting to my movements and becoming much more agile on the battlefield, the longer this fight lasts, the more hits damage the boss.

Its blue eyes glow darker and darker as the shielding grows thinner and thinner. I can hardly even be spotted while teleporting and air-stepping around it in circles.

With so much mana at my fingertips for use, the battle just gets more exhilarating every moment I'm in it.

Massive explosions of fire residue obliterate Mutants that spawn from existing pools of blue light.

[Level Up]

Easily another hundred are slaughtered as our battle continues on.

Due to my speed and agility in the air thanks to wind summoning and dungeon walking, I'm in no real danger of getting hit while focused on the battle.

Mana flies, attacks are thrown, and the mutant's eyes glow brighter and brighter as its shielding slowly fails.

Almost 15 minutes pass, and I've landed 3 dozen more attacks.

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now