Chapter 323

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With my white Spatial magic portal slowly spinning next to the light blue humming exit portal of the dungeon, I answer Ember's question.

"I... guess I have."

Thinking about it further, the process wasn't the same, and the rewards were different too; but this soul bond does feel very similar to the one Ember and I made back when he first hatched from his egg.

I continue again. "Is there any problem with being soul bonded to more than one entity? It's not like I can talk to the monster physically, we bonded through a soul stone."

A grin forms across Ember's face. "Oh, you bonded through a stone... That makes much more sense, the aura I felt link with your main body was a familiar one, who was it-"

The Black Scaled dragon looks up into the sky, trying to remember something, but I reply before he can come to the conclusion on his own. "It was a Red Hydra, I only bonded with 1 of the 7 stones."

A loud laugh erupts from Ember through our link. I've never heard him speak so loudly or show this much emotion about anything. It was not the expected reaction, the surprised and confused look on my face shows this clearly.

After a moment, Ember responds between chuckles. "That old beast really went and got himself killed, didn't he. Well, I have to say, he was one of the strongest back in my era. What ability does the bond grant? I'm curious, It has to be a good one."

Again, this isn't the reaction I was expecting either. "It's a stat-boosting ability. While active, all of my movements and mana-based attacks are aided by a red aura. It's called the Red Hydra's Rage... but what do you mean by the beast was killed? Back in your era? Could you explain what exactly this soul bond is."

Ember's laughs finally cease, but a toothy grin is still present as he goes into detail. "There are two types of soul bonds that can be made with certain monsters that have made it to level 1000 or higher once in their lives. Once a creature reaches this stage, another rank-up process happens and often strong monsters become Immortal Labyrinth Guardians on the 40th, 60th, or final floor. Even after death, most are reborn or reincarnated once their energy is completely gone."

I nod, piecing together his words. "So, just like you? You were reborn as a level 1, still holding all your memories... Does that mean there are tons of immortal monsters roaming the Labyrinths?!"

"No, no... Only a select few are chosen by the King after the second rank-up process. New members are only chosen after incredible feats. Last time I was alive there were only 9 of us, I doubt many changes have been made in just 50 years."

I interject. "So... I'm bonded with you and now the Red Hydra. What's the difference between a living bond and a dead one."

"There are many differences between every bond, living or dead. Some grant buffs, some give instant level experience, some share attributes. It's impossible to predict, as every Immortal has slightly different powers and knowledge after each rebirth. The fact that the Hydra was split into 7 parts is definitely a unique trait, he was strong enough to do so. Therefore I'd assume there's even more to the ability once all of the stones are bonded. The only difference between a living bond and a dead bond is that the creature being bonded cannot be reborn until their soul energy is fully dispersed and free."

Ember laughs again, continuing. "So that means I can keep that old beast dead for as long as I'm alive."

I assume there's a rivalry between these two, but it's not one I care to pry about now. Ember seems to be having fun boasting about it to himself.

I speak up again, pointing toward the portal and my spatial magic. "This all makes sense, but we have a much more time-sensitive matter on our hands. Let's at least get in the sky before continuing this talk."

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now