Chapter 249

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Black, red, pink, and golden aura fill the room.

The green restoration magic blends with the blue swirling residue to combine with my own aura and make a light purple glow resonate through the entire training room.

The entire facility shakes and trembles under the intense pressure of over 100 million MP flowing through it, but it holds together.

An hour passes...

I feel like the power coursing through my veins is on a level incomparable to my prior strength.


The door of the training room opens and I walk out.

Visible light purple mana residue floods out from the white-walled room and fills the stairway. Some rises up to the 3rd floor, while most sinks down the steps to invade the lobby of the shop.

Abby and I make our way down through the dispersing purple-tinted mana fog and I hear every footstep echo throughout my mind.

The full outline of the man sitting in the lobby is so clear in my mind's eye. The minuscule vibrating particles of mana in his body are as clear as day...

My All-Seeing Eye isn't even activated.

I've started to develop a new understanding and control over my environment.

I lift my hands through the air letting the excess mana swirl around my fingertips. Then, without my plunderer skill, I'm able to feel small amounts of the particles enter my skin.

It's not nearly enough to use in combat. Only 3-5MP can be absorbed per minute at this rate... but still. It's a sensation I had no idea was impossible without my skills until now.

I'm on the cusp of Tier 2 mana control. This is an entirely new level.

A shaky voice rings out from the shop's lobby.


The now much more nervous store clerk's voice rings out through the fog.

I can sense that the front door is open. Most of the residue is pouring out into the street and dispersing, but it's still very thick inside the room.

He continues in a quick manner as I slowly walk through the shop with Abby behind me.

"I hope your session went well. I- Uhm, please stop by again any time."

I smile, looking up at the outline of the city through the glass windows as we approach them.

"Sure, thanks."

We walk out the front door and the morning sun hits us in all in all its glory.

I take in a breath of fresh air and slowly move my eyes back and forth over the busy street.

It feels like everything and everyone is moving a lot slower. My ability to perceive reality has shifted immensely... In just a few hours, I've grown 3 times as strong...

Solara has become much more lively now too.

The streets are filled with more vendors as well as townspeople heading to and from their work. Just like in the Vice Region, 50% of the people walking around are covered in good-quality magic gear and look like hunters.

The laughter, constant chatter, and vendors shouting fills my ears.

Staring off into the endless streets, I'm finally interrupted by Abby's voice as she unties the camel and brings it over to me.

"Ready? We'll be late if we don't head out now."

Still staring out into the entire city. Lightly activating my perception skills, I can sense everything... and I mean everything.

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now