Chapter 319

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Red wisps of energy float up in the air as a briefcase, black dagger, silver card, and some gold coins along with small numbered pins, demonic stones, and miscellaneous items fall to the desert floor.

Beside this pile of loot, the shattered armor of the Sector 2 leader sits in a pile. It's inactive, and there's no sign of the body.

Actually, there's no sign of any bodies.

The small abandoned village continues to burn down to the desert floor, and the black flames flicker out.

The golden sun continues to heat the sand in the surrounding area just like every other day. A light breeze passes through, recalling the battle that just took place and moving the crimson residue around, but not fully ridding the landscape of its streaks.

Meanwhile, up the cliff atop the observatory, another battle is about to take place.

Maria leads the group of four as they enter through the front door of the white-walled dome on top of the cliffside. She whispers under her breath.

"Jay can handle himself, he's trusted us to do our part. So we'll trust him to protect us and do his."

The metal door swings open with a click, and Arie, Abby, and Fisher follow Maria down the curved hall.

Everyone glows lightly using their personal magic while gripping their weapons tight.

A loud man's voice can be heard through the halls of the building echoing louder as they approach one of the doors that leads to the center room.

"You sure got lucky, but we'll find out everything soon."

The sound of keys being twirled around his finger jingles as he continues.

"Did you hear all those loud bangs out in the desert? I'm sure he'll be coming back any moment now. They don't call the Sector 2 leader the Untouchable One for nothing. He's a master craftsman, supplying most of the higher-ups in the dark continent with unique gear and items that can't be found anywhere else. That suit of armor has fended off A-Rank beasts. Whoever came by just made their last mistake."

A manly arrogant laugh can be heard as the four team members line up at the door. No one says a word, there's a unanimous nod of agreement that leads to the door being kicked down and the sight in the center room is revealed.

A tall, well-built, middle-aged blond man wearing impressive enchanted gear, including a silver pin labeled "001" and a Golden one labeled "004", stands over a table, looking down on a bloodied and battered young woman with white hair and determined ice-cold eyes.

"Lydia!" Maria yells after the metal door is blasted down, and a barrage of ice, water, earth, and spirit-imbued crescents fly toward the surprised sector leader. An equally caught-off-guard look appears on the ice mage's face at the appearance of her teammates after many long days of being told they're also being held and tortured.

The large armored man glows in a silver light on instinct as the attacks all hit him.

Arie lunges forward, eyeing the keys that were jingling in the man's hand fly through the air. Meanwhile, Abby, Maria, and Fisher charge extra attacks.

This man is over 100 levels above everyone else in the room, and his gear is a step above theirs too. It'd be naive to think one sneak attack is all it would take for someone like him to be taken out.

The second barrage of energy crescents hits the same area of the room as the walls shudder and debris from the attacks fill the air.

The Sector leader lets out a pulse of his own mana while yelling.

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