Chapter 371

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My mind is trying to fit more pieces of the puzzle together, but there are too many unknown variables in my way.

Clearly, Maria isn't trapped or here completely against her will, and this most likely means my other teammates are fine too. Her level has grown significantly, and fighting ability too.

Although quite a few things don't make any sense here, at least I don't have to rack my brain for ways to get into the center of the City anymore. Maria will have some answers for me.

It's best I push any more questions to the back of my mind for the time being and focus on my match ahead. The sole reason for coming here tonight is to fight in the ring. If I wanted to just practice on more people or normal monsters, I could have gone outside the city.

What I'm really curious about is how my new ability to wield Qi will help me against the battle with the Ghoul. If I can avoid using my Hydra's Buff, and still take this monster out, I'll be much more confident in taking many of them on at once if need be.

I take a deep breath and calm my mind, crossing my arms and looking up at the screen as Monk begins his fights.

Just like the other rounds, I bet 100 gold on every one of his matches, bringing my total up to 23.1901 platinum by the end of the 7th stage. Monk has a picture-perfect run, punching the monsters with fists of Qi and not taking a single bit of damage himself.

I would bet more, but anything can happen in the ring. The only person I'd trust to win with 100% certainty is myself.

Monk steps off the transport platform, and I get the cue to step on.

I'm transported into the ring, and the announcer hypes up the crowd while I start to walk around the dirt circle and wave to the audience.

Some people are cheering my name, others are booing, and others are just screaming and yelling in a drunken state for the fun of it.

"Everyone, I'd like to give you the final event of the night. With only a single match in the fight ring previously, The Flame Emperor has made it to the 7th round and won with flying colors. You're in for quite the show!"

The betting odds are in favor for me to win in such a skewed amount, the number on my wrist just says 1.00x.

I don't bother betting on the first round, I just take a deep breath and concentrate on the Qi in my body. Although I'm here to put on a show, I need to warm up for the match that counts in the end.

A level 31 hobgoblin is teleported into the ring, and I keep my sword at my waist as I run forward at the monster.

Letting the warm wave of energy build up in my core and allowing it to flow into my fist, I jump forward and land a punch on the monster's chest.

Instantly, as it makes contact, an energy wave ripples through the monster and it flies backward, disintegrating into so many pieces it looks like red dust.

My eyes widen as the crowd cheers.

I absorb the small amount of MCP offered from my absorption skill and accept the silver for winning the match.

I know my base level strength from my levels gives me more than enough power to take out this low-level mob without Qi, but the violent shockwave of energy sent through its body is a very new feeling.

When I sparred with Monk, it felt like a crashing wave was hitting a sturdy barrier.

This felt more like a tsunami destroying a sea wall with ease.

The energy trickles back into my core and the announcer brings out the stage 2 monster. The betting odds now say 1.03x, so I decide to just throw my entire credit account in on the match. Some return is better than nothing.

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now