Chapter 214

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The light blue spinning mass of energy shines bright against the rock wall of the cave.

It lets off a barely audible hum.

Maria shrugs when she sees it, letting out a sigh then begins to walk off to where we were initially headed.

"Not the break. Let's keep going."

I throw a hand in the air.

"Hey, hey! Wait a second, don't you want to at least check it out? Ya never know what's in there. And- well. I'd like to set a teleport point in this dungeon too, it's always good to have a backup plan."

Maria turns, replying.

"Yeah... I guess you're right, I didn't even think about that!"

After this simple agreement, we both jump through the portal. White transport magic brings us to a forest-like dungeon. The grass beneath our feet is thick and lush green.

Maria deactivates her intense Ice magic, as it's not necessary anymore. I do the same, turning off my flames and looking around curiously.

I feel like I've seen a dungeon like this before... but it's been a while. The levels of mana my perception skill picks up tell me this is definitely a low-level dungeon. A mid-level E-class at best.

Using enemy detection and Inspect, I locate a few monsters between levels 30 and 40. This confirms my E-Class suspicions.

Before I can let out another word, a group of 4 large wolves comes running straight at us from a heavily wooded area.

Maria takes care of them with ease, and I look up to the sky, taking in the beautiful view of trees and rocky hills raised off in the distance.

It's so peaceful here.

After recollecting our thoughts and cooling off, we exit back into the steamy cave.

It was a nice little break, and I now have my Dungeon Walker spawn points fixed. So even if we destroy the break, I'll still be able to come back here if need be in the future.

Maria re-activates her Ice magic and I burst into a light flicker of dark flames.

We walk forth into the twisting maze of tunnels, taking out another 20 base-level mobs before facing another mutant.

Again, Maria freezes it solid before the creature can explode like our incident outside. The level 317 breaks into a thousand tiny pieces as we continue on our way to the next glowing blue portal.

The air has already gotten significantly thicker with both hot steam and pure mana.

It becomes much more difficult to see the yellow-orange light at the end of the tunnel, but I still have my perception skills to guide the way.

After a few more slain mutants and about 5 minutes of walking, the next glowing blue portal comes into full view.

We jump through, just to take another rest and get out of the heat.

Once we do, I recognize this landscape too.

Rolling hills of maroon-colored turned-up dirt. Plus, the disgusting smell of rotten flesh. The sky is grey, and the air is still. It's silent.

"A rat dungeon...."

We both deactivate our elemental magic and take a breather.

Maria is red in the face and breathing heavily. We both drink a bottle of water along with MP potions.

I speak up after a few seconds.

"We're almost there. The only dungeon left after this one is the break. No more rest stops, it'll be a lot hotter in there than in the caves we've been trudging through. So be prepared."

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now