Chapter 202

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Charlotte, the orange-haired bartender comes over to us with a bright smile across her face and two steaming hot circular trays of food.

Pitchers of juices and ice-cold water slosh around, making my mouth water at the sight of them.

"Dig in, you all have a long day ahead of you!"

We do as she says.

After 30 minutes of a satisfying feast, the 5 of us sit back and enjoy the peace and quiet of a near-empty tavern in the middle of the open desert on a full stomach of good food.

Charlotte watches from the back of the bar, keeping an eye on the door and other lingering guests.

I'm too curious to wait any longer. I look over to her and our eyes meet as I speak up.

"Hey, great meal! I appreciate the hospitality but could I ask... what do you do for the Association exactly? I'm just new around here, I didn't even know these walls existed yesterday.."

She replies in an excited tone as she makes her way over.

"Well you're welcome, I'm glad you enjoyed it. If you must know, I'm the Gate 1, Section 4 lookout. There aren't many towns around here, so if anyone's looking to catch a ride on the train out, they'll have to stop by this town. I have a pretty good eye for troublemakers, and can get people to talk If I need them to."

My gaze tightens.

"You can... make people talk?"

Leo interrupts.

"Char's the best the Association's got. If you need questions answered, she'll get 'em for ya!"

The orange-haired bartender turns to Leo, tightening her lips and letting high a half-nervous laugh before responding and hitting Leo on the shoulder with a playful slap.

"Hey you know I like to keep that a secret before I get to know new guests."

He rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. These 4 aren't your average hunters though, try it out, let's see if your smooth talk can do anything to this bunch."

She looks back over to me. Instantly, I feel that soothing sensation I experienced when I first walked in.

The first time around it was nice, but now, I know something's up. My battle instincts kick in, and I activate my All-Seeing Eye. Something doesn't feel right....

The woman begins walking over to me and speaks in a slower rhythmic tone.

"Sure Leo, I'll give it a shot, but it's always more fun when they aren't suspicious."

As my perception skill activates, I begin to see a light orange-colored mist surrounding her body. It spreads out and engulfs our entire table the second she gets close.

I don't feel threatened...

Quite the opposite actually.

The closer and closer she gets the more I don't mind this odd invisible mist.

My smile matches hers and my All-Seeing Eye deactivates once she puts her arm around my shoulder.

"So, tell me something about yourself, Jay. Something I wouldn't know."

In a daze, I begin to speak.

"Something you wouldn't know? Well there's-"

I pause as I feel MP being drained from me...

I tighten my jaw and lurch back, realizing exactly what's going on. My poison resistance passive skill has kicked in, and it's nullifying the effects of something...

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now