Chapter 242

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[Lv. 559]

Active Items:

Heavy Armor Set of The Blue Ogre King [+95% Defense]

Dual Axes of The Blue Ogre King [+95% Strength]

Platinum Ring of The Blue Ogre King [+100% Mental Strength]

Active Skills:

Extreme Strength [Legendary Grade]

Body Hardening [Special Grade]


Ultimate Defense of The Blue Ogre King [Hidden Ability]

King's Summoning Call


I finish scanning my surroundings and pause on the Boss' status that waits for us on top of the tower above.

"Level... 559..."

A sound similar to thunder cracks throughout the boss room, but there isn't a single dark cloud or flash of light in the sky.

Its source is the top of the mountain, but even with my perception skill, I can't make out the exact shape or cause of this odd phenomenon.

All of the mana that's being transported from the main dungeon is clouding the view. It's all consolidating to make a massive blue ball of energy. The orb is impossible to make sense of from this distance.

That isn't my primary concern at the moment, the hordes of Blue Ogres running towards us are.

I charge up MP into my blade and send a shot off in the direction of one of the approaching monsters while Ember breathes a wave of dark flames straight at another.

My recent level-ups, along with the nearly 25% increase in my overall mana control consumption has buffed my abilities a considerable amount.

My high power slash slices through the front side of a mutant armor, cutting the beast in half with a single strike while the plume of black fire desolates the Ogres Ember attacks. Earlier today, an attack like that would have taken 2 or 3 hits.

Although the opponent above is at a higher level than any monster I've faced before, I'm tingling with excitement at the opportunity to try out my new power.

Maybe it will drop some interesting loot too.

I decide to be as efficient as possible, taking off my griffin's talon necklace and throwing on the dark Red Salamander King's Cloak. It gives me an 80% boost in mental strength, rather than the talon's 40%. I have a feeling I'm going to need every advantage I can get.

With all these thoughts racing through my mind, Ember and I continue taking out mutants that stand in our path as we approach the mountain. Their shards are left behind for now. I'm focused on defeating the boss, nothing else.

I attempt to use my plunderer skill to absorb MP from the environment like I did back in the blue-clouded dungeon, but it doesn't work nearly as well.

Without the dense atmosphere of available mana, I'll have to rely on my remaining MP potions for now or the monsters I can directly drain mana from in a physical attack.

I manage just fine. It's just a minor inconvenience.

There are mutants that run down the mountain straight toward us from all directions. Most are very agile and powerful, but there's occasionally one or two in such a rush they fall or jump from unreasonably high ledges.

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now