Chapter 326

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We make it to a clearing in the dungeon where the grass covered, rocky ground flattens out, and a small source of Demonic Energy can be sensed nearby.

It's releasing 1 or 2 units every few minutes, and the raw energy is floating high into the dungeon's sky. Some are dissolving into the open air, and other portions are floating toward the exit portal.

Still, over a kilometer away from the source, I'm confident the natural output will be enough to begin my training.

I look toward Ember and whisper under my breath.

"Body Double."

A second copy is created to look exactly like myself. The only difference is, one is slightly weaker and if killed won't affect my main body at all. Last time I did this, my main body was unconscious moments later. This time around, it does feel a bit odd looking myself in the eyes.

To make things even weirder, I can't simultaneously see what my double sees...

The copy of myself in front of me opens his status, opens his eyes wide, and looks up to me to speak with my own voice.

"It looks like the body double has a different ranked-up perk. I'm going to test it out."

Before I reply, the doubled version of myself air-steps away nearly 100 meters before glowing in a bright white light.

The double's movement speed increases drastically for a matter of seconds, then a flash of mana and a loud twang erupts from where they once were, blowing an enormous hole in the side of a nearby rocky hill.

A blue text notification pops up in my vision.

[You Have Died]

A flood of memories from the last 30 seconds fills my mind, as I feel as if I myself lived them.

The vision of opening my status, and seeing a brand new ranked perk on the double's status screen labeled [Instant Finale].

The sensation of every ounce of mana being used up in a matter of seconds, propelling the double's movement speed faster and faster until it explodes in a devastating self-destruct attack, is fascinating and unexpected...

This adds an interesting move to my arsenal but also confirms my theory that rank-up rewards are very dependent on the user's current circumstances and state of mind. The fact that my double's rank-up process occurred during a similar attack can't be a mere coincidence.

On another note, the notification will allow me to be notified and send another body double every time my current double fails in its process. At the same time, every failed attempt will fill my mind with the exact memories of what happened just like I was there doing it myself.

I smirk and look up to Ember.

"Perfect, are you ready to train?"

"Of course."

I create another double, then leave the Midnight Dagger behind before air-stepping off into the dungeon to start my Minotaur farming.

There were a few possible monster targets I saw on the way here, and luckily flying on Ember's back I've already set Dungeon Walker points all over.

I teleport to my first target and cut them down in a single slash.

A blue text box appears in front of my vision.

[Use Absorption]

MCP: 7,281


I grin, accepting the 0.01% mana control from defeating a mob below 80% of my level, and carry on. If it weren't for my new legendary perk that absorbs small amounts of all opponents' mana control, I wouldn't bother fighting anything in here that isn't a mutant.

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now