Chapter 256

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The green dark-skinned creature flaps its wings and soars down towards me. Its red demonic eyes are shining through the mist.

With the face of a rabid dog mixed with a mutant goblin, its jagged white teeth shine in contrast against the hazy green dungeon background.

I've never seen a creature like this.

"It's a Gargoyle."

My eyes dart across its status, trying to piece together any extra information it'll give me.

At first glance, it looks quick and agile, but its stats show a different story. The monster seems to be mostly a defense type with high magic and HP-increasing skills.

Body hardening and.... Life Steal.

I smirk at the sight of this. If it does what I think it does, I'm in for a treat. I haven't gotten a useful skill in ages.

Come to think of it... If I waited on the 21st floor in the Vice region for a little longer or gone back to check things out after I fully recovered, I could have had this skill for myself a lot sooner...

Gritting my teeth, but show a wide smile through my clenched jaw. I swing my blade up in the air, releasing a dense black wave of energy before anyone else can get a shot out.

"This one's mine."

A loud screech fills the skies as my blade of mana collides with the gargoyle less than a second later.

It doesn't have much time at all to react, but the distance between us is still pretty far.

On reflex, its body hardening skill activates, and all of its mana shielding moves to the exact hardened point as well. White mana residue and grey body hardening cover its cross and lower body in a thin line.

That grey isn't the same color as my hardening, It seems this creature must have an odd variation.

The rest of its body is completely unguarded. With every bit of energy focused on blocking my attack, it puts up a great defense in the blink of an eye.

After a flash of white light and a quick buzzing sound, the outline of the winged monster flying through the air comes out from behind the fireball of mana residue and broken body hardening.

Shards of stone-like material fall into the pale green abyss below.

With it, one of the monster's legs covered in crimson blood spins downward with it.

The screech for the wounded creature echoes throughout the dungeon, and I sense more monsters approaching from both above and below.

"It brought company."

Gritting my teeth, and aiming for the gargoyle trailing blood in the sky, I let off another shot.

The same thing happens. It twists and turns away, this time avoiding my strike entirely.

I am over 40 meters away. Even if my attacks are fast, it has plenty of time to move. This isn't a low-level monster after all...

Looking back and forth at my teammates as the creature's backup approaches, I grip my sword tighter.

"I might have to get a little serious."

I activate my stat-boosting buffs and zero in on the twisting and weaving monster in the sky. It's trying to get away, hiding behind white stone pillars covered in lush green vines.

My teammates jump into action too. Just in time, as half a dozen mobs identical to the first come rushing out of the pale fog.

Water, Ice, and stone form as we all jump from the white stone pillar, forward into the endless dungeon.

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now