Chapter 378

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I stare at the shimmering crystal in Maria's hand, with a million questions still on my mind after the hour-long conversation we just had catching up on everything my teammates have been through while I was away.

Now, I finally have a way into the Inner walls of the city, but I'm hesitant to make the first move.

"How will we get back out? Won't a sudden transport into the city's inner walls alert the wristband system that we're not where we're supposed to be?"

Maria gets up from the couch.

"You're right, we'll leave the city and transport in from outside the walls. Getting out is the easy part, there's a private teleport platform in the Galeheart Tower that connects to the station in the town below the mountain that can be used at any time, leaving is the easy part."

The room goes silent as my curiosity hits an all-time high. It's a roundabout method, but the logic adds up.

I nod in approval and stand up to move toward the door.

"Fine, let's go then."

Maria follows close behind, putting on her Ring of Total Alteration while I put up a strong mana shield along with my concealment skill to alter my face. Both doors open, and we walk out together into the dimly lit hall from the private suite.

I feel a warm hand interlock between my fingers, easily bypassing my layer of mana shielding and putting up her own to keep the seal of intimidation energy constant.

My gaze falls down to Maria holding my hand, but her grip only tightens and a whisper comes from her lips.

"Don't overthink it, I just missed you while you were gone. Don't pull anything stupid like that again without warning me first."

Her face blushes slightly, but in the dim light and concealment items, it's hard to tell if I'm imagining it.

I come to realize I really didn't leave many clues behind when I decided to self-destruct my body double to win that fight back in Solara... My teammates had to have faith that I'd come back with no solid proof I was still alive.

My mouth opens, and I look her in the eyes, but don't reply for a few seconds.

"I'll try my best to make sure that won't happen again. "

We walk down the hall and make our way to the exit.

Every table is empty, and the concentration of mana in the air has lowered to save energy while customers aren't around. A familiar woman's voice rings out as we step toward the restaurant's exit.

"Thank you again for stopping by. I hope both of you enjoyed your stay. Come back anytime."

Elen's white outline is visible as we leave the restaurant, walking out into the cool nighttime air with bright stars overhead.

Making our way back through the Gold District is quick, and neither of us say a word to each other. We just enjoy the company in the silent night. My mind is still racing over all the information Maria just dropped on me about the Dark Continent takeover plan.

Up until now, I've only ever had to worry about myself. My only goals have been to survive until tomorrow and to be a stronger fighter after every battle. This focused and single-minded mentality is what has gotten me this far, changing what's working is a scary thought.

Maybe, just maybe, if I just get even stronger, it's a thought I won't have to worry about anymore...

However, the window has been opened in my mind again. The reality that my new enemies are much bigger than just a strong monster in front of me is starting to sink in.

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