Chapter 387

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We board the elevator, and it brings us up a dozen floors in what feels like no more than half a second.

After a light ding and the door quickly opening, all three of us walk out following Abby's lead into an oval-shaped room with six cylindrical metal pods lining the back wall. There's nothing else in the room but these.

Five of them have green lights above them, while the pod all the way to my left side has a blue light above it and a timer counting down. It's currently at [1:51:44], the seconds continue to tick down as I watch, showing that there's just under 2 hours left on it.

Abby stops in front of the middle pod, glancing over to the blue-lit pod, then back to us.

"Looks like Lith is doing a long session. He must have a lot to think about if he's in here for so long. If he's been in isolation since we started farming, he must have been in there over a full day already."

I raise an eyebrow at her words, but Maria just nods and agrees, walking over to an isolation pod of her own.

"Yeah, I don't know about you guys but an hour will be more than enough for me."

Abby shrugs and nods.

"Yeah, an hour is fine with me."

They both press small buttons on the sides of the pods, and the cylinders split in half the long way, opening up and exposing a bright white glowing inside.

The intense mana radiation that pours out is overwhelming, giving me an eerily familiar feeling, but I can't quite put my finger on what.

Abby walks inside first, pressing a small number pad on the inside of the pod, then giving us a smile as she closes the heavy-looking door.

"See you all soon."

It clicks closed and all of the mana that was pouring out moments ago disappears from my senses.

The green light above the pod turns blue and a one-hour timer counts down right below it.

Maria looks at me next, typing on the small number pad just as Abby did.

"Just hop in and relax, time moves a bit slower inside, so in an hour outside, about 6 or 7 passes in the pod. Soak up all the mana you want too, it's really relaxing."

She smiles and the large metal casing clicks around her too, showing the same blue light and 1-hour countdown begin.

Curiously, I walk over to the next pod down the line and open up the door with a click. It swings open with little to no friction, and I step inside to be surrounded by warm mana tens of times more potent and dense than the mana in the restaurant in the gold district.

As I type in the code to begin a 1-hour session, the metal door clicks shut and my vision turns completely white.

Everything around me begins to hum and buzz, and I can't even sense the world around me.

I whisper to myself.

"This really is like I'm in total isolation..."

It gives me a really familiar feeling now that I'm inside.

The noise from my mouth doesn't bounce off the close walls as it should, it just fades off into the artificial domain that surrounds me.

As I take a deep breath in and out, starting to passively plunder MP, I reach into my item storage and pull out the small metal container containing Qi pills and the bar of Black stone.

I'm careful not to touch the stone, and just take a single pill from the casing before snapping it shut again and placing it into my storage.

With a gulp, I take the pill and feel a rush of energy restore my Qi.

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now