Chapter 340

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The woman behind the counter takes my coins, then walks into a backroom before finally coming back with a small white concealment case. She opens it up for a moment just to show the white crystal inside, before closing it quickly and pressing a small button on her workstation beneath the counter.

A portion of the blue glass window slides open, and she pushes the rectangular case through. As I grab it, she speaks to me.

"I'm sure you know how these work. You don't need an explanation, do you?"

I nod while accepting the box, remembering back to the crystal I used after defeating the behemoth in the Vice City labyrinth a while back. It transported me beneath the Association building right before we headed off as a team to the dark continent.

"Of course. It's a one-time use transport spell. I just break the crystal and I'll be teleported to Valor City, right?"

She smiles and nods with a sparkle in her eye.

"Yes, exactly that. You'll be sent to a teleport platform right outside. Valor City is the City of Commerce, so keep an eye on your coins at all times. Those without them very seldom leave. Though, I don't think I have to tell someone like you that twice."

She gives me a thin smile, and I give one back with a quick nod. However, the atmosphere slightly shifts, and a hint of sorrow shows in her eyes.

Then, she gives another bright smile just like when I entered making me question if I imagined her brief change of tone.

"Anyway, is there anything else we can help you with today, Sir?"

I open my mouth to ask what she meant by that but decide to brush it off. Keeping track of your money is good advice for anyone.

"This is all I need, thanks. Have a good rest of your day."

I turn and walk out the door I came, then begin making my way down the marble steps.

The morning sun is about to come directly overhead to mark the middle of the day as I step into a less crowded street and take out the white concealment case.

"Well, there's no reason not to go right now. I've waited long enough."

After taking a deep breath in and out, the concealment container pops open with a light click and I waste no time in taking out the crystals and crushing them in my fist. A white light takes over my body and I feel weightless for a fraction of a second before my boots squeak against a glossy tile floor.

The desolate desert city street around me fades, and the chatter of what sounds like a crowded train station fills my ears.

Once my vision comes back to me, that's exactly what I see...

Looking down, I'm standing on a large circular tiled surface about 10 meters in diameter, with a large white sign above me on the wall just behind my head labeled [Teleport Platform]. In front of me, a subway system is moving like any normal city would.

Everyone is dressed in much darker clothing here; the red cloak I wear sticks out like a sore thumb. My darker complexion also doesn't match the majority of much lighter skin tones of the locals here.

My gaze travels over everyone and I quickly change my appearance to match the average person in the crowd before taking my hood down.

I slowly step off the raised platform and walk through the crowd. As I do, a small transport train pulls up, similar to ones used in the Vice Region. Its brakes screech to a halt and a flash of white light appears behind me as another man appears on the transport platform right where I left.

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now