Chapter 213

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I stare into the cave in front of me, and it stares back...

The buzz of mana fills the air, even audible for those that don't have advanced mana detection abilities like myself.

The yellow light from within the cave reflects off its orange walls, shining out with a warm inviting hue.

I take out my sword, and Maria follows behind me.

Arie and Abby start to walk close behind.

I peer into the open cave's mouth. Rubble lines the walls and steam fills the air, pushing out hot waves of energy even more uncomfortable than the desert sun.

The bright light from the back of the cave gives off a denser mana signature than anything we've seen all day.

As I begin to stretch my perception skill out even more, one of the base-level red-skinned creatures comes sprinting out toward me.

I reflexively charge my blade up and slice it in half before it can even take a step out of the cave.

I hear Danny's quivering voice speak up from behind me.

"H-Hey ya know.. if you all go in there, I'm not so sure I can fend for myself. And- uhm. I told you all this before, but the only hunters that are even able to enter the dungeon break so far have been ones with the fire aptitude skills. Apparently, it's not a matter of how strong you are, just the heat can only be withstood by those that can wield it themselves."

I think to myself for a moment, doubting that these creatures could produce enough molten rock or flames to actually defeat a hunter with higher mana control...

Then again, the whole concept of mana control was alien to me until very recently. Most people never find out about it their entire lives. Danny is most likely clueless when it comes to the higher-ranking hunter's abilities.

It's better I don't make too much of a big deal here, ignorance is bliss.

I speak up.

"Well, I have a Fire Summoning Skill. So I'll be able to withstand their heat, no problem."

Then turn to Maria, then back to Danny.

"She has an Ice Summoning skill, It's a fairly effective counter to lower-powered Fire magic. Especially with the extreme level gap."

Maria nods proudly, putting both hands on her waist and responding.

"Yeah, I can handle it."

Danny turns to Arie and Abby.

The archer is the first to reply to his worried gaze.

"I don't mind staying back."

He turns to me.

"Jay, you and Maria can handle this one. I don't think it'll be too tough anyways."

I give him a firm nod.

Abby wipes sweat from her forehead, backing up from the steam-spewing cave.

"I'll... agree with Aire on this one. If you want to handle it, by all means, this dungeon is yours."

I chuckle, then reply.

"Great. You two take care of Danny outside, Maria and I will clear this break before you know it."

I turn to Maria, watching her start to glow light blue while taking out her long silver sword.


She nods, turning to the cave opening while the ground beneath her feet starts to become covered in ice.

"Let's do this."

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now