Chapter 267

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The attacks of fire and mana-imbued Ice collide, shaking the entire Boss Room. Shockwaves of pure mana pulse from the collision as a wall of ice is summoned many times larger than the dragon I shot at.

An adjacent wall of flames is produced as Embers fire spreads over the blast radius.

My wind and fire attacks hit straight on and ring out in an ear-shattering collision.

They pause in mid-air letting out the head-spinning reverberations followed by the sound of a loud crack.

We swoop upwards to avoid the blast, but I watch with my All-Seeing Eye in anticipation while th thick sheet of ice fractures at its contact point.

Splintering ice, fire, wind, mana, and intense plumes of steam fill the air in all directions for at least 100 meters as the thick wall of ice splits in two.

Ember and I aim for the sky charging up another attack as the summoned blue and white shield falls to the floor in pieces. Following very close behind is the uninjured Frost Dragon grinning wide with its teeth leaking ice magic. The creature's royal blue eyes are locked on us and it's shortening the distance gap fast.

Our first attack may have broken through its first layer of defenses, but the fiery blades were completely destroyed before they managed to even hit its scales and mana shielding.

It's a 2v1 and our combined mana control seems to be about the equivalent of our opponent even with an elemental advantage.

We're facing a superior monster. Finally.

I smirk and speak through our link.

"We'll have to outsmart it and land a heavy hit early in this battle. To the sky, don't slow down even for a second. Prepare to release an attack on my cue."

Still moving upward, Ember responds.


Another flap of his wings increases our upward velocity and the crackling dark red aura around us grows.

We break through the clouds of debris and begin soaring into the sky, only going faster and not looking back.

A screech sounds from beneath us and I grip my weapons even tighter channeling mana from the surrounding air into them preparing for an attack of equal power to the one we just released.

The fast-approaching dragon breaks through the cloudline less than a second later with its claws reaching up at us. Its mouth is glowing brighter blue ready to fire an offensive attack this time around.

We fly higher and higher.

With each flap of the White Dragon's wings, it gets closer and closer to us. Ember may be more agile, but out in the open air his wingspan is less than half of the Boss Dragon's so we're losing ground fast.

The air is getting thinner and the sky is turning into a blue void of cool calm air. It's silent up here, just like when we first entered this Boss Room.

Not even our enemy is making a sound. It's just keeping its eyes locked on us like it's stalking prey.

Every fraction of a second that passes, meters of distance between us are being lost. The monster will inevitably catch us soon.

However, this is exactly what I hoped for.

"It's almost time..."

We rocket up into the air so fast that the mountains below start to disappear. The glowing beast is less than 3 wingspans away now.

"Just a little longer..."

Then, I feel it release an icy blast pointed right at us. This one is much more concentrated than its last display by far. With the mana density less spread out, I believe an attack like this would be very close to fatal if it hit us.

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now