Chapter 263

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Something feels very wrong.

The jet-black magic circling the Knight's equally dark armor sends shivers down my spine for a fraction of a second.

The more I try to use my perception skills and figure out what it is, the more it evades my All-Seeing Eye.

This energy feels like it shouldn't even exist.

Whatever it is, It's not made of mana...

The other half of my mind can't stop thinking about the message I just received from the Arch Demon supposedly running this whole labyrinth.

Just one more floor and I'll be able to face the opponent I've been fantasizing about fighting for days.

With a smirk, I release a blade of energy at the armored Knight as it charges toward us with its blade at the ready.

Lydia unleashes both of her katanas and lets two shimmering white crescents of ice fly beside mine.

The three charged mana blades head straight at the monster's armor. The shimming black fire attack heads straight for its chest plate, while Lydia's strike curves inwards at the weak points in its upper leg and lower torso.

Surprisingly, the black armored Knight lunges downward changing the trajectory of my attack to a non-vital spot.

My black blade collides with its right shoulder and to my amazement, sparks fly.

It almost looks like metal on metal. It's been a long time since I've seen anything like this.

On impact, the moment the shielding around my shot collides with its black energy a light show of white and yellow sparks erupts into the air.

The popping and buzzing noise of mana being released into the atmosphere fills the room.

That mana is mine.

The edges of my attacks look as if they're melting away while passing through the hard mental armor of the Knight with relative ease.

With a loud clang, its whole right arm falls to the floor and my energy blade curves upward into the sky.

There isn't anything in the armor, it's completely hollow.

My gaze follows my own attack in awe as it continues popping and buzzing while slowly melting away high up in the dungeon sky.

The black energy of this odd creature is able to erode and destroy any concentrated mana attacks.

Not very fast, but the fact that it's able to use an unknown source of energy like this is definitely alarming. There's no sign of a hidden buff or special skill in its status.

It doesn't matter right now.

As my attack damages its right arm, the Knight lunges to the opposite side right into Lydia's incoming crescents of Ice.

Just like my attack, light-colored sparks fly, but the bulk of the strike pierces all the way through its intended target.

More loud clangs of armor sound as the Black Armored Knight falls to the grey floor in pieces. Ice residue creeps over all of the armor, and a chain reaction of sparks flies as it spreads.

Both Lydia's remaining shots and the residue left behind disappear into the air in just a few seconds. The black-colored aura starts to disappear from the enemy too, leaving a dark sliced-up suit of armor on the Dungeon floor less than 10 meters away from us.

I stare at it with a blank yet curious expression, then speak up while blinking a few times.

"Did- it jump into your line of fire? Or was I seeing things just now...?"

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now