Chapter 320

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"If all of you were easily pushed back by my gauntlet attacks, do you seriously think you have any chance of defeating me? You should have run while you still had the chance!"

Another laugh comes from the silver-coated man as his fists continue to charge up, glowing brighter and brighter white.

"I'm the strongest one in this Sector! I can feel the mana coming off you three, you're all newly ranked up. You may be skilled, but you don't stand a chance against me!"

The white glow from his gauntlets begins to spread down his arms and soon covers his body until the Sector 4 leader is covered in a glistening silver and white aura. He hits the desert floor feet first with a ground-rattling thud.

Arie, Maria, and Fisher all land around him in a triangular formation, glowing with their respective personal magic.

In the blink of an eye, blue mana crescents and white arrows are released in a barrage against the man all at once.

But before they even make contact with his defenses, the white aura of mana around the enemy expands in the shape of his body to deflect every single attack. He swings his fists two times, letting out dual pulses of energy at Maria and Fisher.

This time, instead of trying to block, the two of them have time to dodge.

"Like I said before, it's pointless to run!"

The white energy that's usually propelled from his fists comes out from his shoes seconds later, shooting the silver man forward with blinding speed. He aims right for Fisher as the swordsman jumps out of the way from his previous attack.

The air ripples as the two metal fists clash with the ultimate water defense, mana shielding, and dark blue sword of the water mage.

He grits his teeth and looks the man in the eyes who captured and tortured his longtime teammate.

Still, even with all of his strength, the newly ranked-up Elite hunter gets pushed back with ease. Mana residue flies in the air as Arie and Maria fling attacks from the side to support, but none make it through.

The silver-coated man charges up his fists again all while continuing to punch the blue barrier over and over, pushing Fisher back.

He continues to laugh manically while pushing at the barrier.

"You kids really thought you could take on 2 Sector leaders and make it out of here alive. You must have been given false information, or-"

But his words stop as the blue eyes of the swordsman start to show a glimmer of red.

An odd feeling comes over the Sector 4 leader as his heightened mana control senses pick up the odd shift in power that fills the air.

Crimson tendrils of dense red mist start to wrap around Fisher's arms and flow down his sword. Next, the bright blue shield of water starts to become stained blood red.

As the Leader hesitates to make his next punch, the swordsman takes this opportunity to send out an attack of his own. A dark red crescent of water comes out from his sword, but the man manages to snap himself out of it and block before it's too late.

An incredibly loud clang shakes the desert sand as the Aura of the Red Hydra fully covers Fisher, and his attack makes a dent in the Sector Leader's armor.

The man is shocked... He jumps back in surprise, placing both gauntlets up in a fighting stance with a baffled expression across his face.

"How- What is this skill...?"

As he says this, the eerie feeling of the red energy that activated around the water wielder starts to creep into his mana senses from behind him as well from two directions.

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