Chi She & Sun Cigu (1)

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  Taosu will be laughed at by Fan Ling's dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water. A high-level Alpha has no intention of resisting at all under his hands. He has suffered all the ups and downs. Let Taosu taste this kind of treatment , he may not be able to greet them with such a smile.

Suddenly, Taosu let go of Fan Ling.

"Brother Uncle is really." Fan Ling moved his arm with a grin, and muttered, "I don't know how to strike softly." "

You resist." Taosu raised her eyebrows.

Fan Ling shook his head fiercely: "That won't work." How could he fight with his wife's family before he got his wife.

"Can you..." Taosu said a little bit more, "restraint? Kiss my brother in full view?" "

Then the eldest brother was hugging the young master of the Sun family just now, didn't he look cool?" Fan Ling Don't admit defeat.

Taosu glared at him: "Can it be the same?"

"What's the difference." Fan Ling was unconvinced: "You are not married, but the degree of difficulty is lower than mine."

Taosu raised her hand, and Fan Ling Immediately she ran out, laughing as she ran, and was no longer so scared, "Uncle, you are telling me that only state officials are allowed to set fires, and people are not allowed to light lamps."

"Bastard boy." Taosu laughed and scolded.

The two came out, and the snack bag in Jelly's hand was almost empty.

Fan Ling originally planned to sell it in front of his wife, but his eyes widened when he saw this, "You ate them all?!" "

Yeah." Jelly nodded, "Not much."

"That's not much?!" Fan Ling Ling snatched the bag, wishing he could poke a hole in it, wanted to scold but couldn't bear it, with a troubled look on his face, "What if I hold on?"

"No." Jelly said a lot to herself.

What didn't count was the fall, when Taosu came out, his mouth was still full, he chewed, like a little hamster collecting food, and said vaguely: "Brother Taosu, are you finished beating?

" Didn't hit." Taosu helped him up, and looked back at Fan Ling: "Send my brother back safely."

Fan Ling: "Yes, I made an agreement with Uncle Qin Wen, before eleven o'clock."

Wrestling and going to the night market, he is full now, so he didn't stop for food, but bought a few notebooks with simple covers. Although his grades are average, this kid is hardworking, and his attitude is more important than anything else. Basic knowledge He always had to memorize the points several times, and the college entrance examination was coming soon, and the results would probably not be amazing, but he didn't want his family to lose face, and more importantly... he fell and touched the position below the neckline, there was faintly A circular outline, when the time comes, I have to ask Brother Taosu if the rings are a pair.

At about nine o'clock, I got in the car and drove home. Halfway through the drive, I fell back and rubbed my stomach.

Taosu noticed, "What's the matter?"

"It seems to be holding on." Tumbled and frowned, "Brother, why don't you go down with me for a walk, digest and digest."

Digest a fart! After eating, I walked for almost an hour. It didn't matter whether I was exercising or not, and I didn't know how many snacks the two people in front of me ate.

"Go home and rest." Taosu sped up slightly, and even made a phone call with Xu Yangcheng on the way, asking if there were any Jianweixiaoshi tablets at home.

It stands to reason that Xu Yangcheng should ask you, Chi's family, what my medicine is for, but it is obvious that he is not thinking about it, and his voice is extremely hoarse, and Sun Kaining seems to be urging something, Xu Yangcheng said a few places where the medicine box is often placed, and then hung up After the phone was disconnected, Taosu's face remained unchanged, but a sentence popped out in his heart: Uncle Sun's sword is not old!

Tumbling curiously: "Brother Taosu, Dad seems to have caught a cold." "Yes


I feel like vomiting, I was really afraid of vomiting in brother Taosu's car just now.

After Taosu got out of the car, she quickly went around to the other side to pick him up, found the key from her schoolbag, opened the door with one hand and gently embraced the falling waist with one hand.

It's really soft, and it feels like it can be broken with a little force.

As soon as he fell into the house, he broke away from Taosu's arm and ran to the bathroom. He cared too much about the image in front of Taosu, and went to close the door while secretly depressed, but Taosu was faster, he blocked it with his arm, and squeezed in the next second. After coming in, he lifted the toilet lid first, and patted the boy's back soothingly. He fell completely and collapsed, but he retched several times, but he didn't spit out anything, but his eyes were red from the pain.

There was a sudden chill on the neck, it was because the glandular stickers had been removed, and he snorted softly, as if he had thought of something, he was more nervous than apprehensive, his eyes were dim, and he subconsciously turned back to look at Taosu, but only saw a silhouette , and his eyes were covered.

The first is the tip of the tongue, and the second is the lips. At the moment when the glands are completely covered with heat, I can't believe what happened until I fell down.

Not even temporary marks, top-level pheromones will make Omega extremely comfortable, both psychologically and physically. There is no fear or boredom, and some slight uncertainties are also dissipated by the generous embrace attached to the back. At this moment when I fell, I felt like I was in the sea of ​​clouds. The tip of my nose smelled extremely clear, not cold.

How could he know that, not counting family members, the few human feelings in Taosu had already been used on him.

It took a long time before he could get some rationality out of this dreamlike experience. He opened his eyes and found that the surrounding scenery was shaking a little. It was Taosu who carried him upstairs.

"Chi She..." The fusion of pheromones makes it easy for people to let go of all their defenses and worries, and Tutu called out in a low voice, which caused Taosu to bow her head in surprise. In my impression, this was the first time the little Omega called him by his name.

"Huh?" Taosu put him on the bed, worried that he could not hear him clearly, so she put her hands on the boy's side, maintaining this close posture.

"Will you treat other Omega like this in the future?" Whip asked.

His voice was hoarse, as if he could cry immediately once Taosu said yes.

God... Taosu is helpless, Omega has a keen and suspicious temperament, and has been in a state of insecurity for a long time. This is fully reflected in Tumbling. Why did I cover his eyes just now? Just because he was afraid of meeting that cloud of misty spring water, he had to follow his instinct to mark, but his tumbling had just grown up.

"No." Taosu cut to the chase, succinctly: "Are you still feeling uncomfortable?

Do you want to vomit?" It made people dazzled, "But it's a little bloated."

"I ate so much at the barbecue restaurant at night, and I'm greedy for snacks, who is bloated if you're not bloated?" Tao Su sat on the head of the bed, hugged him up, He stretched his hands into the quilt generously, and no matter how red the little Omega's face turned, it would be his sooner or later anyway, so there was no psychological burden.

Having said that, Taosu still lowered his head and asked, "Wu Wai, do you hate me

when I treat you like this?" After a long while she couldn't hear the answer, just when Tao Su was about to withdraw her hand, she was held down by Wow Wai, the boy He buried his head deeply in his neck, and refused to come out again.

The glands are so close at hand, if Taosu wants to do something, he doesn't even have a chance to resist. With such total dependence, even if Sun Kaining sees it, he will pour out a tank of acid water.

The child was still uncomfortable, the glands were stimulated by the pheromone to make him drowsy, but he was dazed and kept humming. Taosu sent Qin Wen a message saying that he couldn't go back, so he just hugged and fell all night.

Gentleman, did nothing.

Originally, eating a few Jianweixiaoshi tablets would solve the problem, even if a few pills were not good enough, it would be fine. Peach cakes are overkill, and the pheromone has been supplied all night. I slept very comfortably, and when I got up in a daze, I heard the sound of water coming from the bathroom. Sun Kaining and the others rarely came in. What happened last night got into my mind, and I yelled while falling and exploding a large amount of powder on my face. : "Brother Taosu?"

The bathroom door opened in response, and Taosu came out with a towel in her hand, her face was refreshed, and she couldn't tell that she hadn't slept all night. "Are you still uncomfortable?"

It's just that this time I was caught without getting into the quilt, and I didn't dare to lift my head when I fell, "No, it's okay..." A

smile flashed in Taosu's eyes, she was cute everywhere, "Get up and wash, I have to go to class "

"Okay." Tumble replied.

Wrestling adjusted his condition, took a deep breath and came out of the bathroom. He saw Taosu staring at a calendar and frowning. It was a gift from the supermarket last time. The workmanship was exquisite, and Wrestling left it behind.

"What's the matter, bro?" Tumbled a little confused.

Taosu pointed to the date outlined with a red pen on it, and after five days, she asked, "If I'm not mistaken, is this your estrous period?

" :"Um."

"Still 'huh'?!" Taosu's face was serious: "The estrus is almost here and I don't know how to put on the glandular stickers." As he spoke, he went to get the schoolbag on the stool, and checked inside and out: "Where's the inhibitor? Have you brought it?

Fearful of falling and warm, he hurriedly said: "Take it with you." He didn't like Taosu's cold face, and always felt that the distance from ordinary people suddenly opened a gap, without any human touch, so he turned around . The glands were exposed on the body: "Brother Taosu, help me paste it."

After all, Taosu's breath was vented.

Before they went out, the aunt had already made breakfast. According to the amount of a family of three, they left after finishing, which saved the embarrassment. Stop, "I'll eat when I'm hungry at noon,

can I make it up?" !

The two were about to leave when the door opened at the entrance. Sun Kaining and Xu Yangcheng's world was over, humming a ditty and he was in a great mood. He caught a glimpse of a figure just out of the corner of his eyes when his shoes were half changed, so he said casually, "Son, have you had breakfast yet?" Last night..." Sun Kaining raised his head, and what he saw was Taosu's indifferent face. A thunderbolt struck his head, and he stopped moving for a moment. After a while, he said to Xu Yangcheng, who was also in a daze: "Shall we go? Wrong door?"

Taosu: "..."

Then she fell innocently: "No, father, what's wrong with you?"

"Don't bark yet!" Sun Kaining covered his forehead: "I have high blood pressure."

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