knight geno x king reaper ( human )

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   It was another day for geno. He was so used to his job as a knight for reaper that it was basically a clockwork thing for him at this point. He wakes up in the lower quarters of the castle where the knights along with the maids and butlers slept. He quickly ties his long silver hair up and fixes the eyepatch onto his blinded eye. He did his best to wake himself up before hearing a knock on the door of the sleeping quarters... reaper usually never knocked or was down here.

Geno walks to the door still shirtless showing his worn down and bandaged up body. It was indeed king reaper at the door. Geno would look at reaper confused. " my king why are you down here-" before geno could finish his question reaper would put a finger to geno's mouth telling the knight to be quiet. Geno slightly blushes looking at reaper confused.

Reaper would first make sure that geno hadn't woken up the other knights and servants before whispering in geno's ear. " I know I normally have you work for me.... But i would like for you instead of guarding the castle to come with me into town geno. You deserve a break after all the hard labor I've put you through after all~. " Geno's blush would grow a bit more... he was quite confused... but nodded whispering back. "Since you're taking me into town, my highness, do you still want me to wear my armor?" Reaper shook his head with a smirk, grabbing Geno's hand. " Let's find you some nice civilian clothes, geno. There's no need to wear that dreadful heavy armor while out in town~.'' Geno would force himself not to question it... he didn't know why reaper was treating him.... Maybe .... No geno... he couldn't love a pitiful knight like yourself..... Besides... being gay was still illegal anyways... king reaper would be breaking the rules that had been created centuries ago.

   After a few minutes of walking through the castle, Reaper would lead Geno to his room. It was a very lovely room . mostly black and white with pops of teal. Geno, despite being reaper's head guard, had never been in reaper's bedroom. He looked around it in slight awe, finding it quite lovely... he was then jolted slightly back into reality as he heard Reaper open the door to his closet before guiding Geno into the closet. The closest was huge. Many fancy and expensive clothes covered the closet walls. Geno swore that he almost never saw reaper in half of the damn outfits. Reaper would let go of Geno's hand, stepping slightly back. " choose whatever you want to wear. "Geno would nod... looking around quite overwhelmed with all the options... he then looked at reaper. "How about you choose an outfit for me, my highness? I've never had a very good fashion sense after all. "Reaper would nod with a smirk looking at the outfits. " hmmm... this will work for you geno." Reaper would grab a nice red crushed velvet coat with a white mens blouse under it with simple white pants. Geno would simply nod. " As long as you like it, my highness, I will wear it." Reaper smiled, walking over and handing it to geno. " You can get dressed here. I'll wait outside the closet for you." Geno nodded as reaper walked out, closing the door. Geno took one last look at the outfit... he still didn't know what reaper had planned... but he honestly was excited to try on clothes he normally would never be allowed to wear. 

  After a few moments Geno would walk out of the closet. The outfit surprisingly ended up fitting geno like it was purposely tailored for him. Not too tight and yet not too loose and baggy. It truly did fit like a glove. Reaper looked up at Geno from his bed.... He knew he got the measurements correct. He smiled as he got up from the bed fixing the silk sheets as he came over to admire geno. Geno lightly blushed watching reaper's dark blue almost pitch black eyes admire him... if he was honest he was even silently admiring himself in the closet when he was putting it on... he was so use to wearing armor that he hadn't thought of how he would look dressed up so proper and fancy.

Reaper after a while of admiring geno would walk over and gently grab geno's tied up hair, taking the hair tie out of it and letting it flow down. Geno would blush a bit more looking up at reaper . " my highness... it's not proper for me to have my hair down even if we are just in town-"Reaper would once again put his finger on Geno's lips to silent the knight. Geno would go silent once more.... What was.... Reaper would gently let Geno's long hair move through his fingers enjoying the smooth silver hair.

Geno would watch reaper play with his hair.... He felt his face getting warm from how much he was blushing. He would fight with his thoughts in his head before reaper stopped playing with geno's hair and stared into geno's good eye. He smirked, flipping up Geno's eye patch so he could see his blind eye. Geno would look at reaper confused. " my king what are you doing-" geno would suddenly stop as reaper gently touched the scars on his face stroking the indents on geno's face made by the scar. Reaper sighed, whispering into Geno's ear. " i have been hiding something from you geno and i can no longer hide it.~ ever since you became my knight years ago i've admired you from a far.~ i slowly have grown a crush on you.~ i love you geno.~"

   Geno's working pupil narrows hearing those words out of reaper's mouth... he looked at reaper flustered with a face full of blush. " b-but my highness.... I thought being... gay.... Was considered sinful and illegal..." Reaper would nod suddenly grabbing and holding geno leaning in and whispering into geno's ear. " I know it's illegal. I plan to keep our little relationship private.~ that's only if you want a relationship with me though of course.~" geno would nod looking up at reaper. " i-i want it... if i'm honest my highness.... I've also... had a forbidden crush on you for years as well... but i thought that if i told you that you would of had me fired... or worse..." reaper gave a romantic smile. " dont worry geno.~ i'll make sure are relationship stays secret.~ you're too beautiful to lose as a knight and lover.~" geno's whole face was covered in blush as reaper talked about him with such kind words. He never thought his fantasies he wrote about would ever become a reality... if he was honest it still didn't feel real even though it was.

Reaper would suddenly give Geno a soft and gentle kiss on the lips. Geno was slightly startled but kissed reaper back. Reaper would pin geno to the wall quickly pausing the make out session as he whispers into geno's ear. " We can secretly go out into town later. For now let's have some fun hm?~"Geno would look up at reaper , startled and flustered. He nodded as reaper smirks holding geno pinned to the wall as the two make out all heated up and ready to have their " fun".

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