sleepy elves

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      It was a very exciting night in the studio. The house was beautifully decorated and looked like a massive christmas wonderland. From the tree decorated without a single empty branch to the stockings hanging neatly on the wall and even the beautiful Christmas lights that hung up in every room. Noodle was absolutely full of adrenaline knowing Santa was gonna be here soon! She, while in her adorable and warm tiger onesie, would decorate some christmas cookies with 2d at the dining table while drinking some hot coco. 2d gnawed on a candy cane part way in his mouth as he and noodle prepared the snack for santa.

As the two finished off the cookies Murdoc and Russell would make their way into the studio after going out to have some quiet time together. Murdoc would sip on his spiked eggnog as he walked over to noodle and 2d. He chuckled slightly as he watched noodle absolutely drown a cookie in rainbow sprinkles. " sweet satan kiddo that's sprinkles with a side of cookie at this point. "Noodle would look up at murdoc as she giggled. " it's supposed to be 2d's pretty rainbow sweater that he's wearing! " 2d would look up and smile as he watched Noodle use the blue frosting to give her gingerbread man blue hair. Murdoc chuckled as he finished off his mug just watching the two siblings have fun together. 

     Russell would come out of the kitchen with a plate and milk wandering over to the dining table. " alright noodle it's about time to get upstairs kiddo. If you don't try to go to sleep with uncle murdoc and 2d then santa won't come. " noodle would look up at Russell with a small pout. " but i wanna meet santaaaa..." Russell sighed as he put the plate and milk down giving noodle a hug. " I know you do kiddo. But you met him at the mall last week. Now you gotta let him do his work. If you don't let him work then other kids won't get their gifts in time alright? " noodle would think about it for a moment. Murdoc would notice how hesitant and sad noodle was and would attempt to bring up the mood. " awh c'mon noodle i'm sure if you're good that stu will let you watch a christmas special on his tv before you go to bed."

Murdoc's comment seemed to improve noodle's mood. She looked over to 2d who was working on arranging the gingerbread cookies onto the plate. " can we please 2d?! " 2d would look over to noodle and nodded with a smile. "Sure noodle. I'm sure we can find something to watch." Noodle is once again excited as she hops down from her chair and gently takes the cookies and milk off the table and brings it over to the coffee table gently placing them down. " I hope Santa likes the cookies! " Russell smiled as he gently patted noodle's head. "I'm sure he will kiddo. You and 2d did a really great job." 

       After a couple minutes of some cleaning up along with 2d and murdoc grabbing themselves some mugs of spiked eggnog the three would make it up the stairs. After hearing 2d's bedroom door shut Russell sighed in slight relief knowing noodle at least was going to have a distraction while he played santa. He would walk to the recording studio opening the door. The whole damn studio had been absolutely taken over by wrapped up Christmas presents that 2d and murdoc had spent hours wrapping up today while russell had taken noodle to go see her grandma and grandpa back in bloom!lust city for christmas eve. He slightly chuckled as he looked at the presents that 2d had to fix up after murdoc did a half ass job at getting the wrapping paper on them. He always loved seeing how much the two truly cared about noodle having a good christmas.

Murdoc while 2d worked on turning on the tv and going through channels for anything that would catch noodle's attention would help bundle up noodle in a blanket burrito. Noodle giggled as Murdoc put the third blanket around her. " Uncle Murdoc, I can't move! " murdoc smirked as he finished his blanket cocoon around his niece. "That's the point kiddo. " noodle is gently kicking at the blanket as murdoc himself gets comfortable using one of 2d's many deflated and lifeless pillows to rest his back on while resting his head on the bed stand watching 2d flip through the slightly staticy channels. 

     After a minute or so 2d would find a channel that was at least somewhat watchable. It was a showing of how the grinch stole christmas. Luckily it had only just started. Noodle had never seen this special before and quickly looked over to the tv. As soon as she caught a glimpse of the grinch she would point out. " Uncle Murdoc, that looks like you!" 2d would quickly cover his mouth as chuckles tried to free themselves from his hand. Murdoc nearly would spit out his eggnog onto 2d's mattress at noodle's words. 2d once he calmed himself would comment. " he even acts like murdoc sometimes-MUDZ! " murdoc would quickly throw noodle's stuffed dragon plushie at 2d hitting 2d in the chest. Noodle is just giggling watching her brother and uncle bicker.

Meanwhile downstairs Russell was working on trying to get all the gifts under the tree. From a doll house for noodle to a dawn of the living dead poster for 2d and a new amp for murdoc's bass the tree was absolutely loaded with presents that everyone would enjoy ripping open in the morning. As Russell worked and listened to some festive music to get in the mood from the stereo system holding the tv up he would look up hearing the faint giggling from the three upstairs. He would smile glad to know the two goofballs were entertaining noodle.

     As the three calmed down and watched how the grinch stole christmas murdoc and 2d would do their damn best to stay awake. After working on the gifts and festivities all day since the morning the two were very tired. The alcohol mixed in the warm eggnog certainly wasn't helping with their drowsiness. Noodle luckily wasn't paying attention to the two. Her attention had been fully taken by the movie as she watched it in pure awe. The scenes and decorations were so pretty. She was also doing her best to pay attention to the story as she hugged her poor stuffed dragon that had been thrown around.

Downstairs Russell had finally somehow managed to get the mountain of gifts to fit under the tree. He was now sitting on the sofa filling up the stockings. Goodies galore and little trinkets absolutely stuffed into the giant socks. From candy cane hershey's kisses to lifesavers candy storybooks and even the classic chocolate covered cherries. The stockings nearly looked ready to burst as Russell hooked them back onto the wall.

After a while murdoc and 2d were no longer able to fight the urge to sleep. Both were absolutely passed out on both sides of noodle. Murdoc luckily due to being on his side wasn't snoring. Besides the tv the bedroom was fully silent. Noodle would watch as the special ends and the tv goes back to its normal nighttime showing. Noodle, despite being slightly drowsy herself, was still full of excitement that made it hard for her to rest....she looked around her brother's room trying to figure out what to do ... .suddenly noodle would hear ... .footsteps downstairs! Santa is here! Though noodle would remember her dad's words ... .well ... .maybe santa would be ok if she just took a peak....she would quietly scooch off the bed doing her best to not wake up her uncle and brother. She hugs her dragon plushie as she quietly opens 2d's bedroom door and waddles over to the stairs as the tail on her onesie drags on the floor. 

  After some quiet sneaking down the stairs, noodle would get far enough to see the downstairs fully. She would quietly look around as she sat on the many presents! Noodle would look at the presents in pure noodle got distracted by the many gifts her drowsiness would now fully kick in. before she even knew it she had completely drifted off on the step with her little head leaning on the banister as she snoozed off into her dreams.

Russell as he munched on the cookies and took a sip of the milk would hear the gentle thud of noodle's head leaning onto the banister. Russell would glance over....a fatherly smile appearing on his face. He walked over as he finished off a cookie. Noodle had truly been determined to see santa. He would gently pick up noodle and make his way up the stairs after turning off the lights downstairs. He walked through the hallway before making it to 2d's room. He opens the door.....his smile growing as he sees murdoc and 2d absolutely crashed out. So that's how she got out. He would gently place noodle back in between the two and tucked her in getting her all bundled up. Russell grabs the remote and switches off the tv. He would look at the scene as he walked out the room. " Merry christmas guys. " 

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