unexspected snow day

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    It was a bitterly cold afternoon in memory!tale. A giant blizzard had hit the town so everything was absolutely caked in fluffy white snow. The whole town was pretty quiet due to residents not being used to such crazy weather. It was certainly a rare sight especially in november when people normally spent whole days shopping for thanksgiving and christmas. Though the warmth of being inside a house was about to be drastically taken from the gorillaz in less then a couple minutes.

In the recording studio the band were currently working on a recording for the song clint eastwood. Russell was mentally trying to get Del ready for his part of the song as noodle and murdoc took a moment to tune their guitar and bass. 2d would do some basic vocal exercises on the microphone. The dry cold air outside was making 2d's voice a bit raspier than normal so he was having to take sips of his tea in between his exercises trying to keep his throat moist enough so his voice doesn't accidently break during the recording. Noodle, despite wanting to go out and play in the snow, knew that uncle murdoc was really determined to finish this song on the album so she has been patiently waiting for the band to finish. 

     As murdoc finished tuning noodle's guitar for her the spotlights suddenly shut off in the studio sending the band members into darkness. The band all suddenly pause what they're doing looking up at spotlights ...before anyone could even comprehend what happened they heard the heater and recorder switch off in an instant. You could even hear murdoc and noodle's amps stop faintly buzzing. The electricity had completely gone out.

Luckily for the band due to the soundproof foam on the studio walls the studio still held some warmth in it. Though the rest of the house was a completely different situation. Murdoc was very quick to check on the rest of the band not knowing if any of the band had gotten uncomfortable by the sudden darkness. " you lot alright? " Despite the band not being able to see each other they would all respond to murdoc confirming that everyone was fine. Noodle would quickly blurt out. " What happened? Why did everything turn off? Russell sighed, glancing to where he's assuming noodle and murdoc are in the studio. '' The snow must've caused the electricity to go out kiddo. Don't worry...it will probably come on soon enough. " murdoc would sigh as he carefully got up from where he sat giving the band some jobs knowing despite Russell's reassuring words that depending how truly bad the storm is, the electricity wasn't likely to come back so easily. " alright russ and stu i want you two to go find the flashlights in the storage closet. Kiddo I want you to stay with stu and russ until they find the flashlights so you don't get lost in the house. I'm going to go outside and see if I can get the power back on alright? " all the band agree with murdoc carefully moving from their spots doing their best to not bang into any walls or each other accidently. 

      As Russell, 2d and noodle walked around the dark and cold studio murdoc made his way outside. Even while wearing a thick black sweater and jeans murdoc was still fucking freezing. He normally didn't get cold easily ... .This blizzard is really bloody bad. Murdoc forces himself to fight the frigid temperatures putting one hand over his eyes to keep the snow from blinding him while carrying his tools in his other hand. He walked over to the braker box and starts fiddling with it....after about half an hour or so he couldnt get anything to work....fucking hell. The studio truly was in a black out. Murdoc, despite normally being stubborn when trying to repair stuff, was no longer able to fight the cold and forced himself to give up and retreat back into the studio hoping that the other three were able to find the flashlights knowing that the power wasn't going to be back anytime soon.

Russell and 2d were currently sitting at the dining table with noodle. Luckily the three had found some flashlights placing the four flashlights around the kitchen and living room to break the pitch darkness. To temporarily keep noodle busy her and 2d where doing some drawing . Russell was just patiently waiting for murdoc knowing that he was probably wrong about the power from how long murdoc was taking. Murdoc walks back through the front door sweeping snow off of himself. Russell would quickly look at Murdoc cringing slightly at how much snow had ended up on him. " you couldn't get it back on?" Murdoc sighed, shaking his head as he put his tools down on the kitchen counter. " The snow is really bloody bad. We're going to be in the dark for quite a while. Will have to record tomorrow. " 

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