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19th December 2019

Billie's POV

As I woke up I am still not sure whether its something I should do. I mean what if I match with a fan and they pretend that they don't know me just to date me. God what I would do to just date someone and not have these complications. Like something else I could do is pretend I'm someone else until we meet up and then break the news then but that's immoral. Right? But would they be that mad if I just pop up on the date and be like surprise you were talking to me the whole time. You know what ill do it and suffer with the consequences later. Its a future me problem.

I opened up the app store and searched up dating apps and looked at the reviews. I mean I don't wanna download one which is mainly for hook-ups *cough* tinder *cough*. I decided to download HER. I just picked the first one okay.

I'll skip the boring parts for you like making the profile and what not. I decided to name my person 'B'. I put in my sexuality as bisexual so then i see hot men and hot women. Even straight people can tell you that women are hot and started swiping.

About an hour of swiping left and right I decided to give it a break and get ready for the 5 and a half hour flight. I put my phone on charge so I can have full battery for the plane and started packing all my clothes putting it in my suitcase. Just as I was about to zip on my suitcase my mom knocks the door and comes in using her key card. "You ready to go BIl" she said sitting on the hotel bed as I'm sitting on my suitcase trying to zip it up

"Umm yeah maybe I think so" I said finally getting the zipper to go all around the suitcase. The room was filled with silence as I start picking up all the water bottles and food wrappers from last night chucking it in the hotel room bin. Well that was until my phone started to pop off. It was like someone was calling me but it too slow to be someone calling. I walked over to my phone and picked up to see all the notifications that had come through was from Grindr funny enough it was mostly girls as well. I smile down looking at my phone seeing who had viewed my profile in incognito mode thanks to premium. "Who's got my daughter smiling like that" My mom spoke up looking intensely at me trying to figure if I'm lying about what I was going to say or whether she knows that I'm on a dating app. I don't know about you but my parents are scary when it comes to how much they know for just seeing a smile or a certain facial expression.

"Oh it was just something funny Zoe had sent me" I said making up the excuse on the spot hoping she is not going to dive into anymore.

"Mhm sure" she said squinting her eyes at me and said to bring my stuff into her and my dads room as we were about to leave. I pulled my charger out from the outlet and put it in my carryon before dragging my suitcase and bag through the corridor while glancing at my phone at the people that I have matched with. I do feel really bad though that they think they have matched with this girl when in reality I don't look like anything like her. I would say the there is only two similarities. One is that we are both white and the second is our hair colour.

Once we got to the airport, checked in and went through security we sat down on the couple of free seats that was by our gate and made slight conversation while having music playing through my headphones. Maybe an hour or so the announcement that the plane was now boarding filled the airport so we stood up and joined the queue of people already waiting to board. My mom got on the plane as always so she can direct everyone to their seats.

Guess who has an empty seat beside them. THIS GALLLLLL. This flight we were sat at the back of the plane so I didn't have to worry about anyone looking at my phone and people spotting me which is a bonus. I'm not going to lie to you the whole flight I spent swiping on Grindr. How have I turned into one of these people that spend like all their free time on dating apps.

Just as I swiped left on this guy, this girl slid into the DMs

Laura, 18
Heyyy B, I thought you are Hella cute so I wanted to message you and get to know you a little

I opened up her profile looking at the images and to say she looks fine would be me lying OMGGGG. So after calming down the excitement that my body contained I decided to message her back. Well that's after planning what I was going to say so I don't make a fool of myself.

Hey Laura, your fine as hell damnnnnn
How have you been today

Practically instantly she texted back, showing me how keen she is

Laura, 18
I've been goood. Much better now that I have talked to you ;)
how have you been

Damnn a flirt as well
Ive been good just cant wait to get off of this airplane

Laura, 18
Damn travelling in an airplane
Been anywhere nice?
How long do you think you have got left

B, 18
Nah just travelling from DC to LA so maybe like an hour or so more
The time has already gone much faster talking to you so its all good

Laura, 18
why don't we use the time to get to know each other.
Wanna facetime? 

Shit. If we facetime she's going to know I'm not who I say I am.

Oh I'm sorry I look like a mess rn maybe later when I look good just for you

That's a good excuse right? Right?

Oh umm something has come up ill text you in a bit

Great, good work BIl

-1076 words

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