T h r e e

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22nd December 2019

Billie's POV

Its a couple of days later and it turns out that the meaning of I'll text you in a bit means... I'm never going to talk to you again but its not like I could facetime her. She would have found out who I am and if she does recognise who I am then she could just post it telling the world which is just way too much of a hassle for me to deal with.

Anyway I've started talking to multiple people now. Before you say you will get along completely with like one person in like 10 so I just wanna you know speed up the process. I send a good morning text to all the girls and put my phone in my pocket while heading downstairs for breakfast. It wasn't long before I was hit with the smell of pancakes and I cant even explain how good my mom's pancakes are.

I sat down at the table next to Finn and waited for a slight hint of what the conversation that had already started was talking about.

"Yeah I'm think of going to the mall and doing last minute Christmas shopping. I don't wanna leave it like to the last day to it being completely manic to the point that you cant move" My dad spoke up while looking across the table at me and Finn "Do you two want to come with your mother and I?"

With that my mom comes into the room with a massive plate of stacked pancakes placing it in the middle of the table with some condiments like maple syrup and chocolate sauce. "We are planning to go to the big one since there's more shops" Me and Finn both agreed to go with our parents but mainly because I didn't want to stay in the house for once in my life.

We all finished up breakfast and went upstairs to get ready to leave since the plan was to leave in an hour. I got dressed into the classic baggy attire than I am becoming famous for wearing and headed downstairs sitting on the sofa waiting for everyone else.

I decided to go on my phone waiting for them because knowing my family we are going to leave probably later than we expected when I got a text from one of the girls.

Good morning B :)
I did sleep well hbu

B, 18
I'm glad you did beautiful
I slept good thanks for asking
You got any plans for today or are you just gonna chill

Eleanor, 19
Probably wrap a couple of presents I bought for my friends and then lie in bed for the rest of the day.
Are we going to be able to call again today or are you too busy

B, 18
Good you deserve to take it easy
Me and my family are going to the mall to shop a little more
Ill always make time for you cutie

The three little bubbles came up on the screen but the sudden noise behind me made me turn my phone off and turning it over so the notification wouldn't be on show. "Mom's been calling you Bil, We were all waiting in the car for you" Finn said before running back outside to the car with me following him.

I get the seat behind the drivers seat buckle in my seat belt as we pull out the driveway pulling up my phone from my pocket continuing to look at our chats and seeing whether she a has texted back yet. I was met with 2 responses. That something I like about El, is that she is not like the other girls that wait a certain amount of time to text you back she will text you back practically as soon as she sees it.

Eleanor, 19
I hope you have fun spending time with your family

I chuckle and heart the message before telling her that we left so I might not respond straight away and put my phone back in my pocket focusing my eyes on the road.

"Who's made you so red huh BIl" Finn spoke out luckily the radio was up quite load so our parents in the front seat didn't hear.

"Shut up man I don't want the whole world knowing about my shit" I said before turning back to the window probably going even redder than before. Luckily the mall was like 5 minutes from my house maybe 10 if traffic so it didn't take long to get there. As my dad parked up in the multiple story car park I unbuckle my seatbelt and get out the car first trying to get away from the awkwardness that Finn  had created. Its not like I can tell him about El. For one we aren't even a thing yet and two I need to come out to him first.

Its hard to believe that a year ago I was just making music with my brother while thinking I was straight and now I  am only talking to girls and I got to say they are so much better to talk to.

Once everyone got out of the car, we slowly made out way over to the mall. We decided to split up so I'm going to go with my mom and Finn is going with dad. Once we split up it didn't take long before we walked into our first shop and soon every shop turned into one. As we were walking to the food court when we walked past Victoria secret which made me wonder whether I should try and get something from there. Even if it is just for me to make me feel more confident but I know I am more likely to go there with my mom than with my dad. Y'know what fuck it.

"Mom can we go in there?" I asked pointing at the shop. She turned to face the shop I was pointing at and she had a shocked expression on her face but agreed. I bought a couple of pieces and put it into one of the other bags we bought so its not completely obvious what I bought. We grabbed takeaway from a vegan restaurant and met up with Finn and dad  before heading home.

-1063 words

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