E i g h t

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A/N: btw I'm british so if you don't understand a certain word I apologise

30th January 2020
Billie's POV

Beep beep beep

My alarm echoed through my room. I hit it with the palm of my hand multiple times hoping that it would turn off but yet again it's not a surprise that it didn't. I eventually opened my eyes and turned the alarm off nearly rolling back to sleep until I remembered why I had the alarm set. Today is the day I'm taking El on a date to the zoo since she loves zoo's and had previously mentioned how she can't wait to take someone on a zoo date so I decided to do it before her.

I got dressed and head downstairs and went in the kitchen. "Morning" I said Waking into the kitchen and started pulling out ingredients for vegan pancakes. "Anyone want some?" I asked and my mom and finn said yeah and my dad said that he had already eaten.

I started cooking the pancakes when my phone dinged so I checked to see El texting me asking me which outfit she should wear since technically she doesn't know what we were doing. Also how is someone that fine like jeez.

Billllllll can you tell me where we are going?

Nope 🙃

Fine which fit then
*2 attachments

They both like fine as Fuckkk damnnnn
Im feeling the second option

We start texting more until I was being yelled at making me quickly put my phone into my pocket.

"Billie the pancakes!!!" My mom yelled moving me out the way and turning the hob that the frying pan is on off. "I'll make them you just sit down" she said before chucking the pancake in the bin and pour more batter onto the frying pan.

I sat down opposite finn and carried on texting El until Finn spoke up "sooo how's the girlfriend"

"She's not my girlfriend finn" I snapped back before even thinking about me my tone

"Yeah but you wish she was don't you" he said leaning more onto the table looking at me

"Shut uppp" I said chucking an apple that was on the table next to me at him.

"Alright you two. Stop fighting and eat" my mom said putting down 2 plates of pancakes and turning back around making more.

I ate 3 pancakes before texting El asking if she's ready and if she was to drive over. I would pick her up apart from the minor thing of I don't have my driving license.

10 minutes later she shows up outside my house so I quickly run to the passenger side greeted with an awkward hug over the gear stick. "So where am I driving us to?" She asked once we pulled out of the hug.

"That's for me to know until we get there" I said smiling before pulling the directions up in and handing her my phone to put in her little phone holder thingy.

Maybe about an hour later we finally got to the zoo no thanks to the traffic on the highway. She parked up and was really excited after seeing the banners of the park advertised on the hill coming up to the car park.

We got of the car and she held me hand interlocking our fingers together as we walk to the entrance.

I paid for the entrance fee and also paid an added $7 dollars for a map. $7 DOLLARS FOR A MAP. $7 DOLLARS FOR A PIECE OF PAPER. Anyway we held hands again and she looked at the map to see where to go first.

We went to the flamingos, the baboons, the monkeys, the birds (which I found out she had a massive fear of when we went into the open enclosure), the turtles, As we got to the middle of the zoo, we went into the eating area and bought a sandwich, chips and a drink.

After we finished eating we carried on seeing the crocodiles, the kangaroo, the emu, the meerkats, the zebra, the camel, the giraffe, the leopard, the rhino, the wolf, the lemur, the swans and the lions.

Walking to the exit you had to go through an arcade and a gift shop. Who ever made that was hella clever like every kid is gonna wanna spend hours looking at everything and asking if they can get whatever they see.

Walking through the arcade, El found one of those claw machines with a stuffed hedgehog teddy. She spent about $10 dollars before calling the machine stupid and storming out so I decided I was gonna try and get it for her.

$40 down and I finally win the stuffie. Why does the claw just not grip like there is no chance this is at least $50. I wouldn't even say it costs $10 but anything for her happiness.

I walked out the arcade with the stuffie in my hand to see El sitting on the floor outside with her arms crossed.

"Why you pouting huh" I asked sitting next to her hiding the stuffie from her sight

"It's that stupid machines fault with the stupid claw not picking up the stupid hedgehog" she grumbled crossing her arms tighter with every word she said.

"Well since you called it stupid you won't want this then" I said putting the hedgehog in-front of her making her smile.

I passed her the hedgehog which she gave the it a hug and then me saying thank you multiple times.

We walked out of the zoo and headed to her car being as close to eachother as possible. Hopefully one day I'll pick up the nerve to ask her out.

-962 words

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