T h i r t y - n i n e

129 5 4

28th April 2021

Billie's POV

I've done sound check which was hard enough but I can't do a show without Finn. I've texted him loads of times but he's still not answering as well as Claudia and El. The show is going to start in 5 minutes so they better hurry the fuck up.

Next thing i know its 7:05 And Danny is running down the corridor. "Billie whats are you doing you need to be on the stage" He said slowly walking me towards the stage.

"Finns not here. how am i suppose to do the show without the guitarist?" I asked and he looked annoyed "Just go out there and talk to them and I'll try and hunt down Finneas" He walked away to the exit. I took a couple of breaths and walked on the stage being met with screams. I lifted my right hand to my mouth to realise I forgot the mic.

I headed backstage and picked it up from where I had previously left it and walked back on the stage to be met with the same amount of screams." How are we all doing" I screamed in the mic and everyone got about 4x louder.

"sooooooo right now we cant start the show as Finn has gone off getting food with El and Claudia and they are currently stuck in traffic but don't worry i promise that you will get the full show that you paid for"

I sat on the stool and just looked around this is the first venue that has had a delay because of the members on the stage not being on time so i have no idea to pass the time.

"ummm i have no idea what to say" I laughed and so did most of the people in the venue. "How many have you-"

I get interrupted by Danny speaking in the earpiece "They are just coming into the building now. 2 more minutes" I smiled and carried on finishing the sentence. Just as i finished Finn ran on the stage looking really pissed off to the point he didnt even look at me. "START!!!!" Danny yelled in my ear.

"Los Angeles lets get this shit startedddddd!" I yelled before bury a friend started playing. The energy on that song was amazing and next song was 'All the good girls go to hell'. When finding out that we were going on tour with this album we decided how we wanted the show to go and since Finn wouldn't take any recognition on any of the songs so we decided to give him a little segment. At the end of 'atgggth' the plan was for Finn to walk down the catwalk and do the ending guitar.

Just as planned the 'guitar solo came up so I started to back up and looked up to Finn. As soon as i looked at him it looked like something clicked and he ran down to the catwalk strumming while walking a couple of steps before running back to his little station again not even looking at me. I don't know whether i did something wrong but usually he runs by me and smiles.

A couple of songs went by and they went relatively well apart from Finn messing up at least one chord on each song. Just as 'When the party's over' started playing Danny knocked on his ear piece meaning i could hear everything he is doing. He wont believe it if someone tells him that he's turned this piece of technology on because he wont admit that he's old and doesn't understand how it works. So I'm hoping he just doesn't do something like using the bathroom or anything like that.

"Don't you know too much already, I'll only hurt you if you let me" I sang sitting fully on the stool resting my ankles while also hearing Danny talking to himself about what he's having for dinner.

"She did what?" Danny yelled a couple of seconds later and was muttering under his breath. I'm curious what has happened. I love knowing the drama. I glanced over to see El now standing backstage watching and smiled but I could tell she had been crying. I smiled back and turned back still singing the lyrics.

A couple of songs down and we were on our final song. I'm so tired to the point that I just want hug El and fall asleep  in my bed. "Unfortunately guys this is the last song of the night" Everyone started awwing instantly and a couple people in the front started crying which always hurt. "For the last song we decided to give someone in the audience the chance to pick the song however it has to be on the new album" We spoke and everyone started yelling names of songs at me. 2 members of the security helped me down so i can pick someone from the audience. Straight away this one girl caught my attention it felt like I knew her.

I walked up to her and held the all ready held out hand and she instantly started crying. "Do you want to pick the song love" I asked and she nodded.

"The last song of the night isssssss..." I pointed the mic to her

"Wish you were gay" She mumbled sniffling from crying so much. I hugged her and gave her wristband meaning she can get a free piece of merch. I walked off going back on the stage and talked for a little while they were finding the chords.

"How is everyone liking the show tonight" I asked sitting on the stool and everyone yelled "I can only apologise for the late start of the show and hopefully it wont happen again" I sat on the right side of the stage reading the signs that people were holding up. Honestly some people have so much nerve being able to hold signs saying stuff like that but it does give me a chuckle. "Ready" Finn said through the ear piece so I got up and walked to the stool.

"Baby i don't feel so good-"

"El I've been looking for you" Danny's voice talked in my ear

"Oh wassup" a faint voice that i recognised as El's voice said

"So Claudia told me about the whole situation with your boss" I didn't know anything was wrong. I hope she can still come on the rest of the tour.

"Yeah she wasn't going to give me the time off but now she has it's nothing to worry about" By now I realised that i wasn't singing but I was too curious about what's happening back stage.

"No about the kiss"

-1121 words

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