S e v e t e e n

206 5 0

18th June 2020

Billie's POV

We are finally on the last song of the album that we need to complete. El still hasn't talked to me but I know she talks to Finneas checking up on me everyday. I understand though I hurt her.

Granted I was really shock that she was here and it would be a lie if I said that I want her to be here but only because I need to focus on my album. I wish she just texted me asking whether she could come down but I can't say anything I showed up randomly as well.

I would be so hurt if I drove all the way to her dorm for her to just be distant and that's not even mentioning the way I was talking to her. I'm just hoping that after she has time to herself we will be back talking at the minimum.

"Okay you ready" Finn asked to which I nodded as he started playing the music through the headphones that I'm wearing. We are currently trying to organise the songs on the album. I was thinking about releasing the song that I made for El on this album but I don't think it fits the vibe. The colour the song gives is like a neutral tone, quite warming whereas this whole album is like a black or neon green, more bold.

With taking out the song we have one spot we need to film. "Hey hey record this" I said to finn "are you recording- oh" once I realised he was I pulled out my Invisalign's.

"My Invisalign has-"

"I've taken-"

"I've taken out my Invisalign and this is the album" we both instantly started laughing in the response. I'm so glad I have this type of relationship with my brother.

The next thing I know he's played the sounds of me taking out my Invisalign's out with us joking around and played it through the headphones. "I think that's the best thing on how to start the album"

"Uh I- what would Danny say" Finn spoke up, obviously knowing what he's going to say

"How it's UnPrOfEsSiOnAl. But it's my own twist and he can either keep it on the album or not have an album at all" I sat there just looking at him knowing I am going to win.

"Alright I'll email him the songs and I'll let you know what he says" he said before turning around and linking the songs.

I layed back on his bed and opened mine and El's chat


Baby please im so sorry
I didn't mean it
I'm just really stressed
Just text me when your home safe

Baby I really hope that your home safe

Please just answer me  I can't explain how sorry I am

I've been checking practically everyday whether the delivered had turned to read but every time I get my hopes up. I know by know I should just give up and move on but I can't. Call me clingy but this is the happiest I've been in years and I'm scared now I'm getting into deeper thoughts this time.

I've tried to drive up to see her but Finn took my car keys and most Ubers won't drive all the way there. Trust me I've tried.

I can't risk going on an app again. Sure El took a little while to get over it but not everyone is going to be like that. Plus once somebody finds out who I am they might pretend not to care for clout. What if El was using me for clout? No she wouldn't.

She posted on her close friends yesterday tho so I know she hasn't blocked me at least on there. It was a picture of her in the gym flexing and omfg she looked good. I dunno about you but it's something about girls with abs that just ughhh.

El's POV

I can't stop thinking about her. The worst part is I just want to move on. I've been in my fair share of relationships and I can't fall for someone who doesn't want me. Trust me I know billie loves me. I mean I love her too but I dunno how she reacted towards me reminded me of a couple of relationships I've been in and my instant reaction is to run so that's what I did.

"Bitch get out of bed" Sam yelled yanking off the blanket off me. To be fair I've been laying here for about a week. Just feeling sorry for myself  "I don't wanna hear it. What your going to do is get up, have a shower and then we are going to go the gym" the next thing I know she's pulling she's pulling me out of the bed by my ankle.

I ended up getting in the shower and just stood under the water.  God this shower feels so good but I don't have the energy. Even though I've been lying in bed I've barely slept. I want to forgive her but there is something that holding me back but I don't know what.

I got into sam's car and we headed to the gym. It was abs focusing day today we spent about 1-2 hrs doing exercises rotating so there would be one person to push you to do more.

We stood in the bathroom and started flexing in the mirror. I can't believe we have turned into a gym rat but I feel really good right now. I pulled out my phone and took a picture of me flexing and posted it on my close friends before turning my phone off and hyping up Sam because even when your having a good body confidence day someone hyping you up just increases it.

We ended up going to the store on our way home hence why she brought her car and bought tons of healthy shit with a couple of snacks for out cheat day.

On our way home I went on my story to see multiple people liking it when I saw her username.

Billieeilish replied to your story.

You're so beautiful
I love you forever

-1035 words

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