F i v e

730 14 5

22nd January 2020

Billie's POV

Today was show day and I'm more nervous than normal. Today is all that El has been talking about since I persuaded her to take her and her friend to the concert even though she wanted to use the opportunity as our first date so I said that we could go to get food afterwards which she agreed thankfully.

She had already called me multiple times showing me her outfit and the present she got 'Billie'.

I told her that I had to go because my mom is dragging me shopping with her but I want to see any photos that she took when we are on the date which she obviously agreed.

after hanging up we got into the minivan heading to sound check since there is like 2 hours before the meeting greet. I decided to go through the front of the venue which was probably not the smartest idea but we move. As soon as the van was parked a couple of security members came up to the car waiting to take us to the venue safety.

As soon as we walked around the last corner the people waiting literally yelled which was so strange to actually think that they are here to see me. I run over to them holding everyone's hands and having slight conversation which is when I see her. El. we made eye contact and I winked at her which made her friend next to her go crazy. I moved my way closer to the front of the line where El was and reached out for her hand like I did for every couple of people. "Don't cry mamas" I said wiping her tears away with my thumb which even then she looks beautiful. I moved my hand back to her hand and rubbed my thumb on the back of her hand as I make conversation to her and her friend. "You guys ready for the show tonight" which made El a little paler making me turn around motioning to the security guard for some water which for some reason carry's at least two bottles with him. I thanked him and Opened it passing it to her. "Drink this ma your looking really pale"

I made slight conversation with her friend while make sure she's okay finding out her name is Maddie. "Okay I have to go now but Ill sure too look out for you during the show, Maddie and umm Eleanor" I said doing a celebration dance making her chuckle as she thinks I forgot her name.

I pulled away from El and apologised to everyone else that I have to get to soundcheck but I would see them later as I'm rushed into the building and headed backstage to get soundcheck over and done with. After going over the songs that I was going to sing (Mainly with Els favourites mixed with a couple of random ones so she doesn't catch on during the show) and finally we were finished so the last thing I have to do before the show is the meet and greet.

I jump on one of the electric scooters after being told that everyone who bought VIP tickets are going to be there. As we reach the door a crew member took all our scooters and I slowly made it into the room which everyone noticed and started screaming making me cover my ears slightly from the dramatic change in volume. "Jeeez you guys are loud as hellllll" I say slightly throwing my head back while laughing. The first person came up and we had a small conversation and my mom wrapped it up by taking the photo and then she was directed in the direction where to go next. The same thing happened for the next couple of People and I made it obvious that I recognised El and maddie even though I saw them straight as I entered the room. with them being that last people in the line it took maybe half an hour before I could talk to them because I make sure I have a slight conversation with everyone. Maddie came up to me first bringing me into a hug "she is really nervous btw and if your uncomfortable you don't have to but it would make her year if for the photo you kissed her cheek" she said whispering in my ear which in response I replied "yeah I would to make her happy" we pulled away from the hug and took the photo leaving me, El and my mom in the room.

"Hey darling how are you feeling" I asked bringing her into a hug and instantly she broke down in my arm. I brought her to the chair that I sit when I'm greeting everyone and brought her into my lap as she cries on my shoulder while I rubbed her back. "Hey, it's only me" I said making her chuckle. "I- I just can't believe it. This girl I really like bought me these tickets as a Christmas present and- and I just never thought I would have chance to meet you" she said trying her hardest not to break down. "Well we might meet again, no doubt and if we don't wouldn't you want the memory to be filled with happiness?" I asked trying to help her stop crying which worked.

"Okay photo time" my mom yelled so we both got up and stood in front of her. The whole time I was wondering whether I should kiss her on her cheek but technically I'm talking to her so isn't that wrong. But you know what fuck it. I grab her head keeping it still and kept my lips on her cheek until I heard the photo being taken to which I pulled away. "Keep that chin up okay. Your too beautiful to cry" I said before walking out of the room the the green room waiting for the starter to start which is such a crazy concept.

Pretty much as soon as I left El she texted me.

*photo of Billie kissing her cheek*

I'm so glad your having a good time lovely
Damnn I'm gonna have to fight off miss Eilish to get you huh
That is if she hasn't proposed yet hahaha
I'll talk to you later El but you have a good time tonight and tell me all about it on our date.
If your still down that is

Finally 2 hours later it was my time to go on. The remix we made of my boy played through the speakers as Finn and Andrew got the money launcher thing launching the fake money we had printed. They stood behind the keyboard as bellyache started to play as I run on the stage making everyone scream. We finished belly ache and since I don't have much songs we stop for a couple of minutes to just check in with the audience. "LA how are we doinggggg!" I yelled in the mic like every artist does which obviously receives yelling back making me chuckle. "Alright for the next song I want y'all to go hard as fuck ok. At one point I'm going to motion to everyone get down and the when the beat drops we are all gonna jump is that do-able." I explain getting cheering back. "Okay brill"

Copycat starts playing making everyone yell the lyrics at me which is such a good feeling. I started motioning everyone to get down "I would hate to see you go. Sorry I'm the one that told you so. Sorry sorry... sike bitch" as the beat drops everyone start jumping around and with the flashing lights it's got a crazy feeling in here.

We went through I couple more songs and decided to speak again "okay so this is my last song for tonight" I said sipping my water "but you all have been amazing I could ask for a better audience." I said just as bitches broken hearts came on and someone running on with a stand.

All through out I looked every single person and the next couple of lines I decided to sing at El so I walked rom the stand singing sitting on the stage and held her hand while she looked like she was about to cry.

Everybody knows
You and I are suicide and stolen art *moans
Pretty mama sews
Stitches into all your bitches broken hearts

As soon as this verse came up everyone went silent knowing what was going to happen making me shake my head a little but I didn't care in that moment.

After the song I said goodbye and ran off stage and immediately got changed in the spare clothes I bought so I can look good on this date that is if she still want to go on it once she finds out. I had to wait in the venue until most of the people had gone but that led to me getting a text from El saying she's in the restaurant which I replied with the Uber is stuck in traffic but I'm going to be there as fast as I can.

Maybe 5 minutes later I managed my mom to let me go and straight away I saw her looking sad at her phone with a glass of clear liquid on the table. I walked in and managed to walk over to her before speaking up

"Hey I'm sorry I'm late"

-1639 words

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