F o r t y - T h r e e

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El's POV

"Finn why are you not worrying? She is your sister and has basically just cut contacts with everyone."

"Its fine I promise you she will be back in a few hours. She probably knew that you were going to come to me so turned off her location for me as well"

"Just promise me you will tell me if you hear anything. I just want to know that she is okay."

"Ill let you know don't worry"

- A day later -

Billie's POV

Ever since I left the house I've had thousands of calls and texts from everyone. Obviously I don't want to worry everyone. I am surprised that no one has figured out where I was. just as the 400th text came through from Finneas I came to the conclusion that I should let someone know that I'm okay. I find myself sitting at the end of the pier and opening Instagram and posting on my story. i took a picture of myself with  caption 'I'm A-ok don't worry' and pressed post to my close friends.

I need to go back to the house today and get some more clothes. You may think Billie you're a millionaire why don't you just buy some. Well I don't really contribute to the whole fast fashion thing and the 3 thrift stores that i went into today really didn't have anything good. I took the walk back to the car park deciding whether i should actually go back.

I got back in the drivers seat and start heading to my house which is a 8 hour drive from where I am. Last night i slept in the back of my car with the blanket I found in my trunk over me. Sure its really dangerous to sleep in your car in LA especially if you're a celebrity but hey I wasn't risking being seen in a hotel.

I turned on the radio which i hardly ever do to hear the Olivia is playing. she recently released driving license and that song is literally everywhere. I sang that song and then turned the radio off once the song was finished. After an hour I pulled off the highway to get some gas and while i was in the queue waiting to pay I saw that El and Finn has seen my story and also sent me multiple dm's as i forgot to block them on there. I opened up El's dm first seeing she sent me 10 in the last minute.


Billie please see this so I know you're okay.
Please let me explain
I understand you don't want to look me in my face after what you watched yesterday
but please
I would never do that on purpose
and i only did it because it would benefit us
the footage was edited
Im not saying that i didnt kiss her because i did
but it was over a month ago, just before i joined you for tour
I wanted to explain the whole thing in person and i Still do. So please can we meet up somewhere just me and you so i can explain the whole thing

I opened up the messages and read them all multiple times. one text repeated in my head the most 'I'm not saying i didn't kiss her because I did'. She's not even hiding from the fact that she did. Sure it would be really hard fake especially since she's only been seen a couple of times in public with me so it wouldn't be any fan doing that. She must have been on the chat because immediately she started texting again.

Please Billie

Ill be home in 7 hours. If its more than just you there I'm leaving straight away
the message was seen straight away and she replied to the message but i didn't open it to give off the whole mysterious vibe. I started heading back home but couldn't help but wonder whether she was lying. In my head I cant think of a good enough excuse to use to save you from 'cheating' with your boss. I know we weren't dating but I thought it was clear that we were exclusive and weren't going to talk to anyone.

The whole car ride I was planning something witty to say or how to act but I feel guilty somehow. Even though she was the one who cheated I feel like i should forgive her but I'm not going to let that happen. I'm not going to allow myself to forgive her straight away and fall in her arms as soon as i see her because i have every right to feel like this. Right?

Finally I drove into the driveway to see only El's car here. I locked up my car before unlocking the door and instantly El ran towards me from the living room. She stood a couple of feet back clearly trying to give me space when I know all she wants to do is hug me. we walked into the living room and I carried on into the kitchen and got 2 bottles of water, chucking one to El as i got closer to her.

I sat down and looked at her. The dark circles under her eyes. Its clear she has been crying. "Thank you for seeing me" She said not making eye contact with me. "I understand how you feel-"

"You really don't know how i feel Eleanor" I interrupted and immediately she looked like she was about to cry. "The only person I have ever really let in. The only person I ever told everything to. The only person to seen me at my most vulnerable moment is you. Unless that has happened to you. No you really don't know how I feel"

"Please I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to come out like-"

"Are you going to explain why you did it or are you just going to sit around and expect me to fall back into your arms all because you said sorry."

"Sorry" she muttered "It was the only thing i could do to be able to be on the rest of the tour. I promise I was going to mention it I just didn't think it was the right time. I knew my boss had a crush on me so I took advantage of that. We hooked up once years and years ago before i found out she was my boss and ever since she had wanting to hook-up again but I've always declined it knowing how you would feel. When i asked for the couple of months off a while ago she said the only way she would try to make it happen is if i kissed her. At first I declined immediately knowing how sad you would be but when we facetimed a couple of hours later i realised how much I missed you and without thinking I went back to the department to make sure I would be able to see you. Then when we came back from the first half of tour and you went over to Zoe's. I went to tell the chief that I wanted to cut it off because i didn't want to hurt you which then led to her leaking the video." No matter what I couldn't feel happy. Like I know she said it was for our benefit but I just don't understand why she couldn't have mentioned it earlier.

Once she finished speaking I stood up and looked out of the window. "I think we need a break" Immediately El got on her feet and as she reached forward to grab my hands I took a step back. "Please Billie don't"

"I just don't think the trust will ever fully be there. I would still be here for you Eleanor but as a friend"

"Billie please-"

"Its been amazing Eleanor" I said kissing on her cheek before walking out of house and into my car.

-1318 words

A/N: And that's the end of the first book. The second book (Sequel) is called changes and the first chapter is now upppp.

 The second book (Sequel) is called changes and the first chapter is now upppp

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