T w e n t y - o n e

191 6 4

11th February 2021

El's POV

"So how's that cute guy" I said nudging Sam while sat on her bed in her apartment.

"I umm well we may have hooked up a couple of times" she mumbled looking everywhere but me

"What! And you didn't tell me? What the fuck I though we were friends" I yelled jokingly at her which made her hand go up in response as if she was surrendering.

"Well changing topic, you're really trying to work out some anger or something? Because 17 reps? Last time we worked out you did about 9. You better have not replaced me" she said and I knew she was joking

"Yeah I replaced you with that creepy guy that always looks at us" I laughed "but yeah I was trying to get my mind off Billie. I'm really worried about her"

"And this is why you are so-" my phone started ringing with Finns name across my screen cutting Sam off and I gave her the look asking if I could answer it to which she nodded.

"Hey Finn is everything okay?"

"No umm they don't think Billie is going to last much longer" he said but you can hear that he had been crying.

"What- what do you mean they said she was doing good?"

"She- she flatlined earlier. I was talking to her and I asked her a question and she squeezed my hand in response. So I asked her to do it again and she did. I went to get the nurse but by the time I came back she flatlined and there was a nurse giving her CPR. They got her breathing again but they don't know how long she's going to last. They are to scared to do an MRI just incase she flatlines" he spoke but instead of him talking there's muffled crying.

"Umm have you told anyone else?"

"No your the first person I rang but I'm going  to ring everyone else now."

"Okay I'm on my way. Bye"

I grabbed Sam's hand and her car keys dragging her out the door and to her car. I would take mine and leave Sam here but I know I won't be able to drive like this. "What's happening? Where are we going ?"

"Billie flatlined so I need you to take me to the hospital so I can at least see her one last time. She's breathing right now but they don't know how long she's going to last." I rushed out while putting on my seatbelt.

I got to the hospital and told Sam she can go home because I'm not going to leave the hospital until she's gone. Obviously she was hesitant but agreed and told me to call her if I needed anything.

I walked past Maria in a rush slightly smiling at her once she greeted me. I saw Maggie and Patrick already here so I lightly knocked on the door and Finn opened it bringing me into a hug and crying on my shoulder.

Maggie was on the right side of  billie holding her hand so I walked over to the left sitting slightly on the bed "I love you Bils so much. I wish I got to tell you that more." I cupped her face and whispered into her ear "the nurses don't think you'll survive much longer but I know you can. You need to prove them wrong. You're Billie motherfucking Eilish. No one tells you what to do"

"She squeezed my hand" Maggie yelled jumping up slightly while smoothing Billies hand

"That's it princess. Do it again. Let everyone know you go by your own rules" I whispered again to which she squeezed mine lightly. Finn went to go to get the doctor as I whisper comforting things in her ear

"Your doing so well Bil. I'm never going to leave you again okay. We are all here"

The nurse came in and checking somethings. Billie squeezed her hand making the nurse have a shocked look on her face.

It's been about an hour since billie did anything so I volunteered to go down to the cafeteria to get drinks for everyone. I could see that Maggie and Patrick wasn't going to leave billies side anytime soon and it be honest with you I can't keep looking at her just lying there.

"Okay so three waters?" They all nodded and thanked me just as I walked out of the door. I made sure that I had my phone on me so they can call me if anything happens.

I don't think I have what it takes to see her die. Like watching her flatline like Finn went through. I wouldn't be able to leave her sight. Matter of fact if she doesn't wake up today I'm going to stay here. Even if that means waiting out in the hallway.

I bought 5 bottles of water costing me nearly $25. What the fuck is up with that man like the bottle of sodas were cheaper.
I headed to the bathroom going into a stall, putting the bottles on the floor and putting the toilet seat down. Bring up my knees to my chest and resting my head on my knees crying into them.

I felt my phone start to buzz. "Hey Maggie I'm just on my way with the waters now" I sniffled slightly trying to hide the fact that I've been crying.

"It's okay sweetie. I just called because Billie is awake and sitting up" wait what. I pick up the bottles running out of the stall heading up the floor Billie is on. "Eleanor? Are you there"

"Yeah sorry I'm on my way now" I hung up while running up 2 stairs at a time being careful not to drop the waters.

I looked through the window like I always do seeing that she's sitting up slightly. I knocked on the door lightly with my elbow and waited for someone to open it since I currently don't have a hand free.

The door opened and I passed the waters to Finn "hey Bil" I sat down in the chair next to her and she move further away.

I got up gently and leant over to grab her hand but she pulled away before I could even reach her "mom why is that lady trying to touch me? She doesn't look like a nurse"

-1070 words

A/N: Please don't kill me 🤭

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