E l e v e n

420 9 0

22nd February 2020

The contemptment. Just from laying in her arms. Feeling her breath on the back of my neck as she sleeps. I always thought that people overexaggerate the feeling but I can happily say they don't. I just want to stay here where I feel safe. Like she will do whatever in her power to make sure I stay safe.

I stay still but not the stillness that you are all tense. I'm anything but. The only pain I'm feeling right now is my leg but that is obvious since it isn't going to heal straight away. I slowly pull away trying not to wake her up but also so I can get my medicine to ease the pain a little. after slowly edging my body away from hers and slipping a pillow in her arms.

I slowly made my way downstairs by sitting down and sliding down on my ass bringing out my inner child. I hobbled over to the kitchen and pulled out the frying pan and the premade vegan pancake batter putting it into the frying pan. It didn't take long before my mom came in whisper yelling at me how I should rest but how can I? Today was the first day El has slept over which i wish it was in a different scenario but something i wanted to do was on the first night she sleeps over i wake up before her and make her breakfast. Granted if this was a normal scenario i wouldn't be awake rn so I got to praise the lords for spraining my ankle.

I explain to my mom what i was doing and she just smirked at me. I've known that woman for 18 years and i have never seen her smirk. That shit is scary.

"So you and El huh. You seem quite close" she said with her back facing me but i can still feel her smirking.

"Yeah i guess" i said sitting down on a chair but i cant help but smile thinking about her. The princess herself lying fast asleep in my bed.

"you know when you got off the stage the first thing and the only thing you kept repeating was 'I want El'. She seemed to really care lot about you." My mom said but kept pausing while using a suggestive tone of voice. "Is there something going on between you two?" i swear as soon as she said that i could have spit out the water that was in my mouth.

"I- ummm I-" suddenly my brain goes blank and instantly don't know what to say making my whole situation about questionable. Obviously she knows now. Its like when someone asks you a question and you stay silent they know the true answer.

"Its cool if there is. She seems to make you happy so thats the only thing i care about. Plus she actually made an effort to talk to us unlike someone" She said all this with her back still facing towards me

"I mean i really like her i just have to build up the confident to ask her out. Even though she has confessed her feelings to me it still feels like there is a chance that she will say no." I said before taking a drink of my water.

"Bil i see the way she looks at you. You would be a fool to not ask her out if you like her back. She adores you and cares about everything that is important to you too. I know its scary but think how good it will feel when you're official. "She took a pause flipping the pancake "so you're gay?" and there was the dreading conversation.

"Umm yeah I'm bisexual." theres was a silence that filled the room "You're not mad at me are you?"

she turned around with a plate of pancakes sitting down in front of me "Of course I'm not sweetie. Its like i like sparkling water but i wouldn't make you like it. The same with this. You're still my daughter regardless and i would rather you be happy, feel accepted and know you have someone to talk to than feel like you're a burden"

"I love you mom" i said holding back tears. This was the conversation i was dreading for a good while yet it went really well. Hopefully the whole dating conversation would be much easier than i am thinking as well.

"I love you too Bil but go and take the pancakes to your sleeping beauty before they got cold" she said smiling before remembering my ankle leading her to grab the plate and help me get up the stairs and into the room.

She put the plate on the bedside table before kissing my head and walking out the room quietly shutting the door. i waddled over to the bed making sure not to put too much pressure to my ankle since I have to wait another hour until the pharmacy is open. i sit down on the bed removing the pillow so that El is more cuddled into me. I kissed her forehead multiple times making her stir awake but with a smile on her face.

"Good morning Princess" I said tucking a piece of hair behind her ear making her move her face into my chest clearly blushing.

"morning" she said with her morning voice "Hows your ankle feeling this morning"

"It hurts but wake up I made you breakfast" I said with energetic energy but it wasn't reciprocated.

"Bil, baby thats really sweet of you but you need to put the least amount of pressure on your ankle at least until you get the meds later" she explained sternly but slowly sitting up but still cuddled into me.

"But you cant be mad at me i made you pancakes" I smiled at her which she smiled back thanking me

I grab the two forks that i brought and we start eating just talking about how we slept and the plan for today. About 2 hours after we finished eating we got changed and into El's car to the Pharmacy.

she tried to make me stay in the car but I refused so she walked over to my side helping me out of the car and walked slowly to the pharmacy. As we walked in we walked up to the desk to be greeted with a smiling pharmacist. "Hi, how can I help you today?" she said while looking back and forth between me and El.

"Hiya we are heard to pick up a prescription for Billie O'Connell" she dismissed herself looking through the shelves behind her then bringing a white paper bag. "Here you go" she said passing over the bag and pulling out a piece of paper. "Can you sign by here please?" she said pointing to the dotted line holding a pen. I signed the paper and wobbled out the pharmacist.

"Lets get you home" El said before opening the passenger side door.

-1164 words

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