T h i r t y - F i v e

212 7 0

14th April 2024

Billie's POV

"El i understand that maybe how you felt but you can't just do that" I said and instantly she looked sad. Like yeah i don't want to make her upset but she cant just think that just saying I love you gets rid of how she has been treating me today.

"Something we said we would do if we were to date again is to communicate but this kinda shows me that maybe your just not ready to be in a relationship" Her face dropped even more and instantly grabbed a hold of me.

"No, please i promise I'll try and do better" she said with a tight hold on my pyjama top with more tears running down her face. I wiped them away and took a breath.

"Calm down" I said helping her focus on her breathing before the conversation goes on further."Im not going anywhere ok. I still want to be with you i just dont think you are completely ready to be in a labelled relationship. We can continue what was happening between us but i need you to talk to me. Im trying just like you and it's even harder being in the light of the media as well but you need to remember I lie to the press. I was ready for a relationship with you but I think we just need to work on communicating with each other before anything becomes official."

She nodded while sniffling and leaning her head onto my chest to calm herself down. "Let's get ready for bed, yeah?" She nodded and we went to the bathroom. I helped her doing her skin care and getting change before getting into bed.

"Sleep well okay and we can talk about it more tomorrow" I said before slowly falling asleep.

Just as i was about to fall asleep there was a knock on the door "Fucking hell" I said under my breath before getting up and answering the door to see my mom.

"Im so glad your up this time, we are leaving to go to the venue in 30 minutes" she said walking away.

It cant be that time already. I walked over to my phone to see its now 7:20am. Fuckkkkkkkk.

"El we have to get ready to go to the venue" I said bluntly before walking into the bathroom with my clothes.

I got out to see Claudia sitting on the bed talking to El and then turned her attention to me once she got up to get changed in the bathroom.

"You doing ok Bil, you look like you haven't slept" She said and i glared back at her

"How did you know" I mumbled as i was putting my clothes back in the suitcase.

"You know you have a show tonight you are going to be so tired" she said with pure concern.

"Well no shit" I mumbled again while walking it off the room to my mom's hotel room to see if she has anything to keep me awake.

"So while i make this can you explain to me why on earth did you stay awake all night?"

"Me and El was just sorting out everything and then just as we were about to go to bed you knocked on the door. I guess we just lost track of time." She looked very proud and turned back around to make the coffee that i know im going to hate.

She came back with a travel mug with coffee and a smile on hr face "We have to go to venue but i put the coffee into the travel mug so you can drink throughout the day and I've packed more as well so if you red anymore later i can make you some"

I followed her to the lobby to see everyone is already there and we all got into the rental. My mom and dad are sitting in the front and the Finn and Claudia are opposite me and El.

I put my head on the head rest and slowly fell asleep since it was about an hour drive to the venue. I woke up to El's laugh. God how I have missed hearing her laugh. "Shh she's waking up" she said and the van went quiet.

I slowly opened my eyes to see everyone looking at me which isn't really something you want as soon you wake up. "we are nearly at the venue bils. You might not want to go back to sleep" El said pulling me closer to her and rubbing my shoulder in an attempt of waking up.

I leant on her shoulder closing my eyes again and practically straight away the van stopped and we all got out. I just wish i didn't stay up all night waiting or at least took an hour nap.I got out of the car and linked arms with Claudia while leaning on her shoulder as support walking into the venue. Luckily they thought it would be a good idea that we entered through the back so then they wont see me this tired.

When we got into the venue we were greeted with alot of backstage crew running around and preparing for tonight. Straight away i was asked to soundcheck so I grabbed the awful coffee that my mom made me and dragged El and Finn with me.

12 songs and soundcheck was finally done. I was directed to the room that we were staying in and belly flopped onto this massive bean bag making a note that I'm not going to move from this spot until i have to get ready for the show. So that's what i did, i slept.

It felt like 5 minutes and someone's alarm on their phone was going off. and i heard footsteps heading towards me and felt someone shaking my shoulder in attempts of waking up. "Bil, you have to go on in 30 minutes" Claudia said waking me up before Finn and El walked through the door with a brown paper bag.

Once El saw me awake she placed down the bag on the table and walked over to me sitting on the edge of the bean bag. "Did you have a good nap Bil?" She asked and i could help but feel a little annoyed from the whole situation that happened last night but I responded anyway "It was ok better than having none" she didnt say anything and kissed my forehead before putting her arm around my shoulder and putting her focus on Finn and Claudia's conversation. How does she think that she is excused from everything that she did?

-1116 words

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