N i n e t e e n

194 7 2


4th February 2021

El' s POV
As we come into the hospital Billie was instantly rushed into the hospital through the doors for doctors only. I was advised to wait in the waiting room until we were called. Billie didn't open her eyes in the ambulance and her heart rate was really weak according to the paramedic.


Billies been in an accident and is in hospital
I'll update you as soon as I know something but please

I'm about an hour away from the airport
Pin your location and me and my parents will be there soon as possible

I liked the message and put my phone away after giving him my location. I keep glancing up every time someone walks into the waiting room hoping it would be someone telling me information on billie. I need something to ease my mind or at least stop me thinking of the worst.

I regret everything. I wish I was never mad at her. I wish I spent every minute I could with her. I didn't even mean stop talking to her for too long it was more that I was scared. I was falling hard for her and I-I dunno how she treated me for like a day I thought it was going to be the same as my last relationship. So I thought that if I left it wouldn't hurt me as much but I haven't been able to stop thinking about her.

Maggie came running into the hospital first about two hours later and I got up bringing her into a hug. It's clear that she's been crying from how red and puffy her eyes are.

"H-have you heard anything" she asked with her voice cracking at the start of the sentence.

"I umm I haven't, apart from they are currently running a few tests so it will be atleast half an hour before we know anything or see her" I pulled out of the hug and hugged everyone else before taking off my jacket and sitting down.

"I'm really sorry" I manage to get out. It was clear that the room was in the air since they haven't seen me since me and billie broke up but I didn't mean to hurt her. "I'm so so sorry"by this point I'm breaking down. I felt a hand on my shoulder comforting me. I should be the one comforting them. I haven't been or seen billie in nearly a year and here I am acting like I'm the one who should be getting the support.

"You were just doing what's best for you. No one blames you El. Even Billie didnt blame you. From day one she blamed herself for the way she treated you" Patrick spoke and Finn agreed.

"I was-"

"Hi are you guys here for Billie O'Connell"
A nurse spoke up as she started closer to us making us all standup at the same time

"Yes we are. Is she okay?" Maggie spoke and I put my hand on her back and comforted her. I can see she is clearly really stressed but is trying to hide it.

"Umm would you like to sit down and we'll explain what's current situation is" the nurse spoke and I instantly got more worried. This is not how it's suppose to go. They are suppose to be like she has a broken leg but you can currently see her. Is she dead?

"Miss O'Connell currently seems to be in a coma" she spoke and my throat insanely went dry. "Right now it's the best thing for her to reduce the swelling on her brain. However we currently don't know the official cause of it." Fucking hell I didn't think it was going to be this bad.

"But she's okay, yes?"

"From the tests we have done yes. She has 2 fractured ribs, a broken foot and 2 bones in her right wrist are broken. But from the description of the crash I would say she's lucky for having that little amount of injuries. You can actually see her now if you would like" we all stood up and headed to the room following a different nurse until she spoke up "so your Miss O'Connells sister?"

"No I'm just a friend" I chuckled but getting sadder as I realise I'm not even her girlfriend anymore.

She stopped and looked at me causing everyone else to stop "I'm really sorry but right now only family can visit her"

"Oh" my face went so much hurt and sadder but I quickly hid it with a smile "of course umm I'll just wait in the waiting room" I turned around as they all carried on walking and started sobbing taking a detour into the bathroom.

For just over a year she's all I've been able to think about. Whether it was a certain product in a supermarket that she loved/ hated or a certain weather and her opinions on it just every single thing to that fact that I still eat vegan.

Before meeting her I would eat whatever and then I changed my diet slowly to fully vegan once I realised she was and I never stopped. I think it was partially to do with at least part of her will always be with me.

- 4 hours later -

I put my jacket back on and zipped it up feeling freezing. It's been on and off since I've sat down from the adrenaline rushes.

"El we've managed to convince the nurses to let you see Billie" finn said as he walked closer to me with a sad look on his face

"I-is she okay. She's okay right" his face didn't looked like she was okay.

"She's umm" he said clearing his throat instead of crying "she's in a really bad shape El" I brought him into a hug and he isn't sly cried as soon as I touched him

"I care so much about her. She's literally my little sister I would do anything for her but just looking at her with wires all connected to her. I just- I don't think I can see her like that" he managed to speak up. "I'm gonna let you go and see her before visiting time is up but call me tonight or come over please" he asked and I agreed to.

I walked up to the room that I was stopped from entering looking through the window. Just seeing her lying there with thousands wires attached to her and little cuts here and there. I finally built up the courage and walked in. Maggie and Patrick got up saying that they are going to be outside giving us some time alone.

I sat in the chair next to her bed holding her hand "hey Bil, so it's been a while huh" I chuckled hiding the fact that I'm trying not to cry "I've been thinking about you you know. Every single night"

"Everyday I wished that you were doing okay and you were moving on but after a while it was clear that you weren't over me and I-I definitely wasn't over you. I'm so sorry. I'm so fucking sorry for leaving you. All you need was time yet I left because I was too scared to get hurt by the person that I Umm that I love"

"Then when I saw you in the c-car and the way your face looked worried until you saw me. I couldn't help but feel the same. I'm gonna be by your side everyday and do whatever I can to get you back up talking to us." A nurse came in telling me visiting was over so I kissed her one last time on her forehead and headed out the room instantly being greeted with a mama hug from Maggie.

She kept her right arm around me as we walked out of the hospital "how did you know she was here?" She asked curiosly I knew eventually she would have asked. "I pulled her out of the car." Maggie looked shocked hearing this obviously since I've only been a firewomen for a couple of weeks or so.

"Thank you so much"

"For what?"

"For saving my Billie"

-1382 words

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