T w e n t y - S i x

167 6 2

15th march 2021

Billies POV

...Fucking kids man

It was at most 5 minutes before she walked in with a toddler at her hip. I can't lie she was really cute. I went through a phase of baby fever like 2 months ago and I swear if this brings it back, I'll die.

She sat on Els lap for about half an hour as we sat and watched a movie before an alarm went off and El passed her to me and walked into the kitchen.

I kid you not as soon as she sat on my lap she cried. What the actual fuck. I was suppose to use her as a bargaining chip to show how good of a future girlfriend I would be but no. She had other ideas.

"I'm coming baby love. Gimme 2 seconds" El yelled from the kitchen. I couldn't help but smile at how sweet she was to the kid. As soon as El came into sight the baby's arms went straight up crying even more for her to pick her up. I'm not even exaggerating when I say the minute she was in El's arms she stopped crying. What the actual fuck.

We finished watching the little mermaid and Ava, which I found out is the babies name, started to warm up to me being with them. Me and El are talking about random stuff just catching up until Ava walked over to us holding up a Barbie with her head tilted.

Now there is a reason I don't want a kid yet and that's because I don't think I could cope with trying to guess what they want. "Do you want me to play with you" El asked which instantly got a shake of a head "No mama" she replied holding the doll more to me.

"Mama isn't home yet baby" El spoke with such softness in her voice trying to explain to her.

It wasn't long before I was given a Barbie on my lap "Play?". I couldn't help but laugh a couple of hours ago she was screaming at being on my lap and now she is calling me mama. "Of course Angel" I said going on the floor

"Auntie Ellie play too?" She said looking up to El which she agreed. We ended up playing for ages changing up what we are playing everytime ava got bored. It eventually got to the time of Ava's second bottle and a nap so while El went to go and make the bottle while I tried to calm her down. I sat on the sofa and she crawled over lifting her arms for me to pick her up.

El's POV

"Mama be fairy wit me" Ava yells before asking me to help her put on fairy wings. We really need to get her to stop calling Billie 'mama'. I mean I can't lie it is so cute and the way Billie is around her. I don't think I've even heard her swear since I brought Ava in from her nap and that's been Atleast 5 hours.

I put the bottle to warm up slightly in the microwave as I make me and Billie a sandwich. I'm sure she is hungry by now from all the crawling she has been doing with Ava. I grab two plates making a basic sandwich with stuff that's vegan so Billie can eat it but also something that tastes good. By the time I finished 20-30 minutes have passed but that might be because I decided to do the dishes as well. I carried the two plates and a bottle into the living room where everyone was and smiled at the sight.

Billie was lying on the sofa and Ava is lying ontop of her using her boobs as pillows. I quietly part the plates down on the table and took a picture of them before grabbing a blanket and putting it over both of them. Kissing both of them on the forehead I put one earphone in and scrolled through TikTok.

Ava started to stir about 2 hours in probably because she was hungry but I let her wakes upon her own because there is nothing worse than someone waking you up for no reason. Just as she was waking up I had a text from her mom saying she was outside so I quickly left the room and opened the door before showing her the 2 sleeping beauties.

She Aww'd before walking into the kitchen so we can talk and not Disturb them. "So my sisters finally dating someone" she said teasingly but I know she was asking me.

"I'm not what give you that Idea" I chuckled and she gave a suspicious look as saying 'really'

"Well if I remember correctly the last time I was over and lied down on your couch you had a go at me and wouldn't let me lay there for more than 5 minute and also I remember nearly falling asleep here and you said go to your own house and sleep. So either you just treat me diifferently to everyone else or you have a soft spot for the person lying on your couch rn." She spoke with a smirk on her face knowing she's right.

"alright, ido like her is that what you want to hear? I like her so much but I really can't date her again. I felt so hurt the first time even though I was over-reacting slightl-"

"Hold on, again?"

"Umm yeahhh. We started talking like a couple of days before Christmas in 2019 dated for a while and then I broke up because I was stressed with college and she was distant with me" I explained slightly changing the story a bit because I know she does know who is actually lying on the couch rn and if she did I know there would be photos all over the media in a couple of hours of Billie sleeping and the baby on her chest with the title 'not the only thing Billie Eilish kept from us'.

We caught up a little more until she asked the question that I was suspecting to be the first one."how did your day go with Ava?"

"Wellll, we went to the Walmart picking up some bits and also bought her some cane in the process. Then I came home and invited Billie over forgetting I was babysitting since Ava was sleeping so peacefully. She came over a couple of hours later. We watched the little mermaid, we then played barbies, fairys, mommy and daddy and I think that's it. I have to warn you tho Ava won't stop calling Billie mama"

"No wonder why my baby is so tired" she chuckled before taking a breath "yeah she tends to call people she is really comfortable with mama. Obviously it's a problem we have to fix before she goes to playgroup but she's just so fixed on calling them mama that she gets upset when you tell her to stop"

"I think billie was shocked at first but just went along with it in the end"

"You still really like her huh?"


"Ellie! Your smiling just saying her name"

"Yeahi like her okay! I just dont think im ready to trust her fully yet"

-1225 words

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