N i n e

418 12 0

20th February 2020

Billie's POV

Last night me and El had our normal FaceTime until she brought up about what happens if we get together. Like are we going to be out for the public to know or is it just going to be a secret and I'm gonna be honest I have no idea,

Like don't get me wrong I love her not that I have told her but I don't know whether she would survive with the fandom. I've seen what they've messaged people who they thought I was dating but actually saying that I'm dating the person I think the messages would get double times the hate.

Talking about my babies tonight I have show just random little places that Danny has hired so my name can get out there more, which I have found that it is sold out. This is the first venue that has ever been completely sold out so I'm low-key nervous.

I got here an hour ago and rehearsed the setlist so I'm currently waiting for El who's currently driving to the arena.

"I promise I'm gonna make you big Bil I told you I would and look at us. The whole venue is sold out" Finn rambled on while I was just scrolling through insta.

I've parked in a carpark outside the venue
Do you want me to go and walk up to a security dude?

Nah its all good I'm coming to get you now

I tell Finn where I'm going and start to head to the back way entrance where I see a guard standing by the door asking me where I'm going.

I tell him where I'm going and he insisted that he was gonna come with to make sure since we had to go past the front to get to the car park.

I run up to El's car and knocked fast on her window making her jump. As soon as she saw me her face lit up and opened the door.

As she jumped out I brought her into a hug and tucked my head into her neck. "I missed your hugs so much" I mumbled into her neck and she just chuckled rubbing my back

"I hate to break it to you two but it would be safer if you had this little reunion inside the venue" the security dude who I found out whose name is Kevin said making us pulling apart from each other.

As we were walking I felt the back of our hands brushing against each other so I decided to be the bolder person and held her hand interlocking my fingers with hers.

Walking to the front entrance so many people start yelling and I instantly turn around forgetting that they are all here for me which made them laugh.

I ran to them and made slight conversation until Kevin politely tells me that I have to get inside making me pull away from everyone and grabbing El's hand again before walking into the building.

We found the room we were previously in. Before we walked in I put El by the door "wait here a second"

I walked into the room and dragged out Finn making an excuse how I need to change. "Bye Finn" I said pushing him out of the door before grabbing El's hand pulling her in and locking the door behind us.

We looked at each other for a second and we both went in for a hug. We stood swaying in each others arms for a while before I brought her to the sofa.

"I umm have wanted to do this since the date but I was wondering whether I could kiss you. I mean you don't have to if you feel awkward like you can just-" I started rambling but was cut off with her lips against mine.

It was something that I can't even describe. Something I have be dreaming about since we met but now it's thankfully become a reality.

The longer it went on the more passionate the kiss became she directed my legs straddling my lap making the kiss more heated.

After a minute or so I pulled away for air and just layer my head in her chest as she wraps her arms around me making me feel more intimate with her.

"I really like that. You don't understand how much-" I was cut off with a couple of knocks from the other side of the door making El's grip get slightly looser.

"On in 10" someone yelled through the door and walked away once I responded.
I pecked her on her lips again before getting up off her lap and starting to change in the corner of the room.

After I finished changing I looked to see El facing the corner in the opposite side of the room. I walked over to her wrapping my arms around her from the back making her jump.

"Why you looking at the plain wall mamas?" I asked as she relaxes on the hug

"You were changing. What else was I suppose to do"

"You're so cuteee" I said but leaving the hug so I can start doing my hair and putting the excessive amount of hairspray I always put on.

"Okay we have to go the show is starting soon" I said grabbing her hand and walking out towards the stage.

Finn and Andrew is already standing on the side waiting for their queue while I'm putting my earpieces in while one of the crew members are connecting it to the mic pack.

Before I went on the stage she tapped my shoulder and gave me a kiss telling me goodluck before watching me run onto the stage and being greeting with 1-2,000 screams.

I went through a couple of songs before making conversation with the audience. "How are y'all doing tonight?" They cheered in response making me smile while looking out to see if anyone was waving to get my attention.

"Okay so I wanna dedicate this song to someone who knows who they are" I said into the mic as ocean eyes starts playing. I look over to the side where El is standing and there's tears rolling down her cheek.

I smiled at her and started singing Finishing the concert. Once I said goodbye to everyone I ran off the stage and ran straight into El's arms while apologising how sweaty I am. "You did amazing, pretty girl. I'm so proud of you" she mumbled into the top of my head before kissing it.

As my breathing slows down, Finn walks over smiling at both of us. "Hey I'm Finn. Billie's handsomer/more intelligent older brother" he said holding his hand out

"Hey I'm Eleanor" she said shaking Finn's hand back. They both smile at each other and start talking about the show which made me realise how she's the first person who I've liked romantically that has ever been bothered to interact with my family.

We left the venue 20 or so minutes later. Me in a car with El and finn driving his car since I drove to the venue with him.

As we got to the house I couldn't help but feel sad. Don't get me wrong doing shows are amazing but it's a mixture of the chance of not being able to preform again and not seeing El for another couple of weeks.

She leans over grabbing chin and turning it slightly so I'm facing her "imma see you soon, pretty. I promise you and until then I'm going to text you and FaceTime you to the point that your going to turn your phone on do not disturb" she said smiling at her own joke making me smile.

"I could never get that annoyed at your texts. It's impossible" I said smiling thinking about our conversations we have had on the phone.

"God I love you Billie-" she said but stopped herself as soon as she realise what she said.

"Y-you love me?"

-1345 words

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