F o u r

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25th December 2019

Billie's POV

My phone starts ringing waking me up from my sleep so I lean over answering it without even looking at the caller ID. "Hello?" I mumbled but was cut off with an energetic voice

"Merry Christmas B" a voice echoed through the phone. El's voice.

"Merry Christmas El" I said trying to sound enthusiastic however its hard to pretend when its 2 in the morning.

"B are you ok?" she asked with genuine concern obviously hearing me groan after finding out what the time was.

"ITs all good i just woke up that's all" I said trying not to make her feel bad for waking me up. "Fuck I'm so sorry B I forgot the time zones are different in the UK. At least after this week I'm back to the same time zone" she apologised but it was one of the apologies that you can tell are heart felt not just saying it because its the right thing to do.

"Its all good cutie. Have you opened any gifts yet?" I asked as she turns the call to a facetime making me turn the camera up to the ceiling.

"Nope! I literally just woke up and wanted to tell you merry Christmas before I tell anyone else but I completely forgot about the time zones" She tried to explain the reason for calling me.

"El honestly it's all good don't worry about. I'm glad I was the first one you wished merry Christmas and you were mine since I literally just woke up" I said making a joke about the situation but I think it was a little too early to mention it as I see her face drop. "I'm joking, I'm not annoyed or anything trust me"

"Okay i guess" she said looking down

"I'll call you back later and you better tell me what you get" I say making her laugh

"Okay sleep well" she said going to hang up but before she could I called her name

"Oh and El?"


"Merry Christmas beautiful" I said before hanging up since we had already said our goodbyes.

Eventually I fell back to sleep thinking about the time I could have with Eleanor.


"WAKE UPPPP!!!!!!!" Finn yelled jumping on my bed waking me up. What's up with everyone waking me up today jeezzzzzzz.

"Get the fuck off and act your age. You would think your way younger than me" I said well kind of yelled not even bothering to open my eyes. I was met with silence which I celebrated mentally slowly falling asleep when of all of a sudden I feel a hand on each ankle and the next thing I'm lying on the floor after hitting my head on the bed frame. "Finneas I swear to fucking god grow up" I yelled in but just I finished the sentence my mom told me to stop being a grinch and be nice to my brother.

I slowly started walking down the stairs texting El finding out about the things she had got. We are in like the awkward stage of talking where you kind of talk like your dating but your not. I found out she got some clothes and CDs but didnt specify what artist. I told her we could call later because I wanted to hear about her day.

We all got around the kitchen table and ate breakfast together before unwrapping our presents. Lastly it was presents from individual people. I left the room heading upstairs and grabbed the gift bag I had put the wrapped gifts in the night before, before heading downstairs to see everyone else waiting impatiently since these were the last presents to give out before start cooking the nut roast for later. I handed the presents out getting Finn a bottle of his favourite cologne that he is nearly running out of, This gold necklace for my mom which she was looking at a month or so a go when we walked past a random jewellers in the mall and for my dad again I got him his favourite cologne as well.

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