T h i r t y

164 5 9

10th April 2021

Finneas' POV

Billie is fastly declining. Usually on tour it takes a couple of momths to get to this stage but this is the worst I've seen her this early on and im thinking she's missing Eleanor too much. I dont blame her.I would give anything to have Claudia with me right now.

I walk up to her hotel door and knock waiting for an answer but instead i hear faint cries. I use the spare card i got for her room before knocking and walking in. Instantly i met with a messy room and a lump under a the messed bed.

"Bil?" I spoke cautiously knowing how snappy she gets when she wants some time to herself and someone interrupts it.

"Yeah" she replied. her voice sounding she's pretending like she hasn't been crying but the crack in her voice gave it away.

"Can i come in or do you want some space" i said slowly walking to the bed

"Sure" she sniffled. Ummm it wasn't a yes or no answer.

I walked to the edge of the bad and sat down and moved the duvet slightly to see her red eyes. As soon as our eyes met she started crying even more so i sat up against the headboard and brought her head to my chest slightly shushing her.

Mom came in after 5 minutes and her expression went from happy/ exited to tell Billie whatever she was coming in for but then turned it into pity and sadness.

"Come find me when you're done" she mouthed to me and quietly shut the door as she left.

20 minutes later she slowly stopped crying and just relaxed more into my chest. "I m-miss her so much" she said, stuttering from how much she has been crying.

"I know you do" I said stroking her back and kissing the top of her head "You'll be able to see her soon. Have you been FaceTiming" I asked and i could feel her trying not to cry again.

"No, she has been really busy with work and been getting home quite late. She has a couple of breaks but she uses those to drive home and check on shark so I don't wanna make her even more stressed thinking she has to call me as well" It broke my heart to see my sister like this. I've only seen her this bad before and that was after Eleanor broke up with her and cut contact. That was a rough couple of months.

Her phone dinged and i leant over to grab it seeing it was a text from El "Bil, El is texting you" As soon as i said her name it was like a different person. She sat up straight away and went her on her phone. She was even smiling.

"Il leave you two for a bit im just going to see what mom wanted and I'll be back." I said leaving the room since Billie is smiling and went a couple of doors down to my mom's.

I knocked on the door and my mom opened still with the pity loook on her face that she had when she saw Billie crying "Is she okay?" I nodded in response.

"I was going to come in and tell her that she's getting the cast off today hoping that would cheer her up because i know she has been wanting to take it off the minute it was put on" My mom started to smile, remembering how much Billie was complaining for like the first week of having the cast on.

"Can you tell her that we have to leave in ten for her appointment" I agreed and left the room and walking back up to Billie's. I stood outside billie's room and heard her talking to someone and laughing. it was until I opened the door i was greeted with Billie and El on FaceTime.

"Bil I dont want worry you but there is a ginger behind you" I heard El saying wile laughing  through the phone causing Billie to turn around and roll her eyes at me interrupting their time together.

"Don't roll your eyes at him Bil" she said sternly and Billie apologised half heartedly. How the hell did she make the Billie O'Connell apologise.

"well i was going to tell you the good news but i dont wanna anymore" I said sitting on the bed which was a bad idea because that now meant i was being poked repeadly "tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me,"

"Alright, alright" I huffed. The silent treatment didint last very long. "Mom said you got to get ready because we are leaving in 5 to get your cast off" I said and instantly laughed at Billie thanking god.

"He finally answered" she repeated yelling around the room while getting ready. She went into the en- suite getting changed into clothes that are more easy accessible for the doctor so i took this time to catch up with El

"Eleanor! How are we doing" I yelled into the phone and had a grumpy face in return.

"Finn just call me El please" she said rollling her eyes at how many times she has had to tell me that.

"Sure sure" i chuckled at the attitude change between Billie and El when they are both with eachother. "Soooo how are you doing" I asked and she reluctantly answered.

'I'm good Why ?' She questioned.

"Just checking in," I said hoping it would come across convincing but it didnt.

"And the real reason?"

"Fine can you unblock me please." I asked and she laughed. "If you're that obsessed with me why didnt you say?" She asked and the pause screen came up before she spoke again "There all done. Any reason why?"

Just as i was about to respond Billie walked back into the room "Im glad you are all good" I passed the phone over to Billie "Ill leave you be for a couple of mintues and ill come and get you when we are about to leave" I said before shutting the door and pulling my phone out of my pocket


Please dont mention anything
Ill call you later

-1078 words

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