T w e n t y - t w o

279 7 11

20th February 2021

El's POV

She doesn't remember me. Like at all. I thought maybe after a couple of hours she would remember me once I reminded her about who I am but it's really not working.

I decided to go back to work today. I would stay but she gets stressed when I'm around and her heart beat monitor goes so much faster as soon as I come into the room.

Once I finished ironing my uniform I put it on before grabbing my bag and heading out of my apartment. I drive over to Sam's apartment before heading to the station.

"So how's Billie"

"I really don't want to talk about it" I mumbled keeping my eyes on the road. I came to work to take my mind off of Billie but if it's all people will ask me I may as well go back to the hospital.

I parked up and walked into the staff room sitting on a bean bag near the tv. I scrolled through my phone waiting for a call until I felt a tap on my shoulder. "There's someone downstairs for you"

I groaned getting up slowly waking down the stairs. As I get to the bottom steps I hear a conversation "you're not well, you need to get back to the hospital"

"I'll be fine" a familiar voice spoke

I turned the corner to see Billie leaning on crutches. I speed up my walk over to her "I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry I didn't recognise you" she spoke as I directed her to a seat.

"It's okay but you should be at the hospital like maggie said. You shouldn't be putting stress on your body after just waking up from a coma" I spoke but it came off as a lecture.

"Oh don't start mom has been in my ear about doing this but I needed to see you in person. I needed to be able to apologise in person. I can't believe I didn't remember you. Meeting you after my show and spending hours walking around the park just talking or going to the zoo to find you are massively scared of birds. I can't loose you again El."

"It's okay you don't need to apologise. You were in an accident with head trauma, it's always a possibitly that you are gonna receive memory loss, let's just get you back to the hospital huh"


"Billie sit your ass back down" I whisper yelled as she was trying to do some dance she saw on TikTok however it seems it looks harder for her to do since she can only put pressure on one leg.

"You're just jealous you can't dance like me" she stuck her tongue out at me and climbed onto the bed leaning into my chest. Yes we are still in the hospital since they need to try and figure out why she stopped breathing but they said I could stay with billie for the night which was their biggest mistake.

"Just dance with me a little pleaseeee" she  sat up looking at me with puppy dog eyes so I looked at the wall knowing that I won't be able to say no if I'm looking at her "nope, people are trying to sleep and if we make to much noise they won't let me stay here anymore" she pouted but I moved over more so she could be comfortable.

"We could watch something and then atleast you'll fall asleep because god knows that as soon as you put something you like on you want to sleep" she smiled and pulled out her phone loading up Netflix.

She pulled up a random horror film and pulled me closer to her. Either because I don't like horror films or she wants to fall asleep on my chest. Tbh I think it's the second one.

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