T w e n t y - S e v e n

171 7 3

2nd April 2021

Billie's POV

"Your leaving tomorrow, everything is set up just remember to put the tour tickets on the website now so people have time to buy them" I agreed and sat back on my bed adding the link to the tour dates on the website before calling El.

"Eleanor, what's uppppppppp" I yell into the mic

"b-dog I told you to stop calling me that" she said and I heard her chuckled after finishing the sentence.

"Welllllll I told you to stop calling me B-dog soooooooo"

"I'm only joking around baby" she spoke softy. Holy fucjkkkkk.

"I- umm yeahhhh" I took a deep breath and remembered what I wanted to call her for "El!"


"Guess whatttttt"


"I'm going on tour againnnnnn" I yelled into the mic again and I can hear her laughing at how excited I am.

"I told you, you would Bil. You're amazinggg and so talented!!!! You keep forgetting I used to be a massive fan of you"

"Used to be? Oh I see how our relationship is" I spoke sarcastically "Anywayyyyyyyy, I was wondering if you could look after shark until I'm back. On the shows in LA we can bring him to the venue and you can come and watch the love of your life preform" I smirked knowing she's most likely going to say yes.

"Of course I will Bil. I love him so much and I was meaning to make more dates where you both come over." She spoke with more excitement in her voice. Hang on a minute. Dates?

"Thank you so muchhhhhh. I'll be over in a bit with him and have a chat before we leave but I need to start packing."

"Of course B-dog I'll see you in a bit, love yaaaaa" she said before hanging up.

I chucking my phone on my bed and putting the suitcase on the floor of my wardrobe and then started planning out my future outfits.

I have 15 shows until one in LA so I'm gonna come back and get more clothes then. So maybe like 15 normal outfits and 15 show outfits.

The next 2 hours consist of me wrecking my wardrobe with clothes all over the floor and about 25 outfits. I texted my mom, dad and Finn telling them that I'll drop Shark off at El's and then I'm heading over their so then we can catch the plane that leaves in 10 hours to Miami.

I took a couple of trips to the car, packing everything before getting shark and his duffle bag, helping him in the car before getting in the driver seat and putting my crutches in the passenger seat.

I drove to El's house in a record time of 20 minutes. Before I could even get shark out, El came running out instantly getting on her knees petting shark. "Hi babyyyy, are you ready to live with auntie Ellie for a while. Yes you areee" she said in a high voice before composing herself, standing up and bringing me into a hug.

"B-dogggg come innnn" she yelled opening the door wider and taking sharks bag off me before going into the living room.

We both sat down and she brought out 2 cans of Diet Coke. "you excited for your first show tomorrow?" She asked while opening the can and taking a sip.

"Obviouslyyyyy, I just- I guess I just wished you could come. You know like a friend." I added the last part quickly hoping that it wouldn't make it awkward between us again.

"I know but with my job it's rare to be able to take a week off let alone a month. I'll make sure I'll be at the venues in LA tho. I promise you that"

The room filled with a comfortable silence until I decided to speak up "El, do you miss us"

"Umm I don't think I understand the question"

"Like do you miss us being in a relationship"

"Short answer, yes. I'm just glad that we can still be friends" she answered but I can't tell if she just wants to be friends.

El's POV

"So when is miss millionaire flying to Florida?"

"Huh how did you know that"

"Well just because I dated you for a bit doesn't mean I unfollowed all the fan accounts including billieeilishtours. They tweeted about the first show asking who's going sooooooo"I explained which I started to get a bit embarrassed the longer I was talking.

"Ohhhhhh about 8 hours now. So I'll have to leave soon to make sure mom doesn't panic that we won't have time to get through security like she always does" halfway through her talking I looked down at her lips. I don't even know why. She finished speaking while grinning so I'm guessing she caught me taking glances at her lips.

It's not like I want to kiss her. Who am I kidding. I would do anything to kiss her. What if she goes on tour and meet someone. I would be devastated to see her dating someone else but I would be more ok with it if they make her happy but guess what. I make her happy and...

SHE LIKES ME !!!!! Welll I thinkkkkk.

Maybe I should try and get her to make a move or atleast give me a sign she likes me. I mean cmon look at me. No like literally look into my eyes and confess your love to me.

"Alexa, play chill playlist" Billie calls out knowing my Alexa is always on.

"Playing breathe by Kansh" Alexa spoke and instantly I gulped.

We both leaned back at the same time and I chuckled mentally before looking at Billie who is already looking at me "I'm gonna miss you so much you know" she whispered into my ear "but I don't think you're gonna miss me as much"

"Billie, what the fuck are you talking about of course I'm gonna miss you. Probably even more than you're gonna miss me" I whispered yell back. I don't even know why we are whispering.

"Prove it then"


"Kiss me"

-1037 words

A/N: The question is did they kiss?

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