T w e n t y - f i v e

167 5 0

15th March 2021

Billie's POV

I wake up to an empty bed. Exactly how it was before I was asleep. I rolled over to the other side reaching for my phone pulling it off charge before getting back into the comfortable position I was previously in.

I looked from my notifications which was of mainly everyone congratulating me. I opened up instagram and was scrolling through the feed from my fan account that I made for myself. Everyone knows i have one they just haven't figured out yet who is me.

There was posts of me on crutches asking how I hid it from them for a month or how the fuck I won 5 Grammys. To be fair I'm still asking myself that. The whole fandom is like a detective. Like I posted a couple of photos of me the other day and saw someone saying because my ear is in shape of an E and there was a number 2 on my shirt, my next album is coming. That's a whole level of delusion.



That seems good right? Not too friendly. Oh well it's sent now. Shark came trotting into the room whining, get a dog they say, it will be fun they say.

"Alright alright, I'm getting up" I leant over and slowly followed shark into the kitchen, getting his food and setting it down before sitting the the couch.


I heard my phone go off in the kitchen where I left it and hobbled over to it completely forgetting that I need crutches to walk properly.


Morning Bil
How are you?

I'm great
What are you doing today?

Why the fuck did u ask that? We arent even exactly friends and I'm coming off clingy asf. OMG SHES TYPING. Why wouldn't she? I literally texted her.

Nothing much
You can come over if you're not busy

OMG DID I READ THAT RIGHT. You. Can. Come. Over. If. You're. Not. Busy. Holy shittttttt. This could be my chance. I need to play it cool tho. I can't sound too desperate.

Todays probably gonna be a calm day

Yeah I mean it hasn't just been us in ages, you could bring shark over and I could get some snacks.

I'd do anything to get to see her

Yeah just send me your address and I'll be over in a couple of hours

See ya soon
*one pinned location

See ya

I- OMG. So today has moved from spending all day in bed to trying to get Eleanor back. I hobbled back into my room grabbing my crutches so I can walk around easier and started walking to the bathroom.

I did my skincare and put some light makeup on before calling shark to the bathroom and brushed his teeth. Today is a big day for him too. He could be potentially meeting his other mom.

I then call him to follow me into the wardrobe. The fit is a very important part in getting back with your ex.

We walked to sharks little section and I chose his collar which looks like a bow tie and let him go downstairs to whatever he usually does.

I chose my fit and put it on before spraying perfume and heading to my bathroom again to sort out my hair .

I got shark into the car and drove to Walmart, a local florist and lastly picking up her favourite meal in Wagamamas before texting her letting her know that I'll be about 40 minutes

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I got shark into the car and drove to Walmart, a local florist and lastly picking up her favourite meal in Wagamamas before texting her letting her know that I'll be about 40 minutes.

Most of the drive was was the music playing quietly so shark doesn't start howling in my ear until El's name comes up on the screen. I press accept button on the steering wheel and her voice comes through the speakers of the car.

"Hey Bil, so you know how I said it was just going to be us and shark" she paused so I hummed in response "I kinda forgot I was babysitting my niece so she's gonna be here as well. I mean she's a baby so she'll be sleeping a lot. I just wanted to make sure you were aware."

"That's no worry I'll be there in about 10 minutes so should I text you when I get there so I don't wake the her up?" I asked and she agreed.

"Alright I won't be long"

"Ight bye"


I hung up and put my full attention back on the road. This is gonna be a little harder but maybeeeee if she sees how amazing I am with kids she'll fall back in love with me.

The last of the drive went really quick probably because I was in mainly thinking about mine and El's future relationship. Is this what it's like to be delusional? Damnnnn. I parked my baby, dragon, up next to El's car and texted her that I was outside.

I see her waving at me through the kitchen before opening the door and standing at the door with a devicey thing in her hand. I manage to get out, get shark out of the backseat and put the harness on him before grabbing my crutches and start walking up to El with the bag of stuff on one of the arms of my crutches.

This tail started waggling and instantly started pulling on the lead once I put him on the floor.
"Hi baby" El said bending down changing her voice to a higher octave stroking shark. I stood smiling at their interaction before she stood up bringing me in a hug.

"So how is Miss 5 Grammys doing today" she said leading us into the living room, chuckling to herself after knowing she has annoyed me.

"Yeah yeah you know I hate that" I said over the top rolling my eyes "I am good tho apart from seeing how people hate me and don't think i deserve the Grammys"

"Don't listen to them Bil, they are just jealous that they won't get a Grammy at the age of 18 let alone 5." I smiled when listening and took couple of glances at her lips.

Throughout the conversation we are laughing and one point she put her hand on my leg to stabilise herself. "I'm so glad I got the chance to meet this little guy" El said facing me after stroking sharks head as he's exploring the room for what feels like the fourth time.

There was a moment of silence between us and I couldn't help but keep glancing down at her lips. Do you know what? Fuck it! I started lean in and it looks like El slightly does too to the point that I can feel her breath on my lips and our foreheads our touching eachother. Not even an inch away from kissing.

"Wahhhhhhhhh" A loud cry pulls us both back and El gets up leaving me alone. Fucking kids.

-1172 words

A/N: Well since it's Christmas I thought I'd give you a suprise upload. So here you are 😁

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