T h i r t y - E i g h t

129 5 0

28th April 2021

El's POV

"Eleanor get your ass here dude" I hear from the other side of Billie's house. Standing up from her bed and headed to the kitchen to be met with a not very impressed looking Billie. "You need to learn not to put soda cans in the freezer or at least don't do it in my freezer" I move so that I can see the freezer that I put the cans in a month ago and there was frozen diet coke everywhere. 

"In my defence, I left it in there so it would get cold quicker but then I forgot that I had put them in there so when I couldn't find them I just thought that I had drunk them and then left to join you on tour" I said smiling at her and eventually she smiled at me. She smiled at me for a slight second and then pulled the resting bitch face again.

"please just clean it up" She sighed before walking away. I honestly don't know what is wrong with her. Recently every little thing is making her stressed but whenever I try and bring it up to help how she feels she gets even more annoyed and walk away. You know what I'm just not going to let there be a chance that she's going to be annoyed with me. 

I got Infront of the freezer bending slightly to see what I'm dealing with and I got to say I'm fucked. This is going to take an hour at least. I grabbed a butter knife and a bowl to put the ice in and started to pull everything out of the freezer taking all the ice from every single product and trust me it was a lot. Once I took all the frozen coke from everything it was time to sort out the the walls of the freezer. Now I understand why I shouldn't do this because even know having the drink like a slushy is so good the way this is glued to the wall isn't even funny.

After 2 hours the freezer is finally de-coked. I don't know what was worse how small the little crevasses were or the fact that it was literally frozen on the walls that I had to chisel it off.  When I walked back to Billie's room I heard her crying. I would just chill in the living room for a bit but I want her to know that I am there for her. Plus my phone is in there. 

I knocked on the door and the crying was silenced immediately. I walked in and sat next to her on her bed. I opened up my arms and brought her to rest her head on my shoulder. "Please-" She said and I shushed her. 

"It's ok you don't have to speak, I'm right here" I  said and she cried even harder than she was earlier. I tightened the grasp I had on her and kissed the top of her head from time to time. 

Billie's POV

For what feels like hours I've just been sat on my bed crying into El's arms. I know recently I have been so tough on her well for the last week. I've just been so stressed with everything that I don't know how to communicate to anyone that I'm too stressed to think. 

Tomorrow is the last day in LA before going back on tour and I don't think that constantly traveling is helping my issue. I know I have a show tonight but it just feels nice to be cuddled up with El.

A loud noise interrupted our cuddle making El lean over to reach for her phone. "Hey Finn wassup" She answered the phone and instantly she had a worried look on her face. 

"What" She sat up and started to look stressed while glancing at me and smiling slightly as Finn is talking 

"I didn't even do that" She yelled and then apologised once she realised she made me jump. 

"Finn let me explain" At this point now she's sat up leaning forward.

"Please just don't say anything. Alright. Bye" She hung up and looked like she was about to cry. Wiping her eyes slightly she leant over and kissed me on the forehead. "Finn wants to talk about something Bils but he said that you should head to the venue and we'll be there like 10 minutes later" She said getting up and scrolled through her phone like she was looking for something. 

- 5 minutes later -

"Are you ready?" She asked coming into my room looking more nervous than before 

"Umm-" Without even have a second to think whether I need to take anything else to the venue she cut me off "Can you just hurry up?" She asked but left before I could say anything shutting the door behind her. 

A couple minutes later I had done everything that I needed to do. I walked out of my bedroom to see her on the couch fastly texting someone but as soon as she saw me she turned her phone off. "Ready?" She said walking towards that door with her phone and car keys in hand. I nodded and followed her towards her car since she said she would drop me off at the venue. 

We pulled up to the front of the venue to see mom, dad, Finn and Claudia standing outside the venue. El parked in front of them and as she walked around to greet them they all gave her a dirty look. What the actual fuck is going on. 

I got out the car and walked over to my mom and as soon as I hugged everyone Finn got in the front and Claudia got in the back of El's car. She hugged both my mom and dad before hugging me "we wont be long Bil I promise" She said whispering in my ear while we hugged and kissed me on the forehead. 

She walked over to her side of the car and as soon as she shut the car door as she got in she sped away.

-1015 words

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