T h i r t y - F o u r

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Claudia's POV

"I say just leave them for a couple of minutes" I said to everyone just after Billie ran after Eleanor who was heading to the changing rooms. Luckily everyone agreed and we just talked about how we all enjoyed the go-karts.

After 5 or so minutes we walked into the changing rooms, me going first, and instantly you could feel the tension. They were both in different corners of the room. I have no idea what happened but they were so happy this morning and we have been with them the whole time so its not like they have had the chance to argue.

They both looked at us walking in and looking back down at their bags as if it was rehearsed. We all got dressed and getting ready to leave the changing rooms. Billie walked over to El and she shook her head making Billie walk out with Finn. Me and Maggie shared the same look before putting both of our attentions on the girl who looks like she is about to cry in front of us.

She looked up at us, realising that we were both looking at her, she looked away and started heading out of the door way. I grabbed El's hand back pulling back in the room. Now it must have been a couple of minutes after Billie and Finn left the room so we slowly started walking out while El was explaining why she was upset. Apparently it's because she feels like billie is ashamed of her.

Billie's POV

"I just don't understand what I did wrong" I said explaining the whole situation to Finn as we were walking to the rental van and I don't know why I even bothered. He wasn't any help.

"Just when you get back to the hotel talk to her. Clearly there is something that is in her mind" He stopped outside the van door allowing me to get in first and waited for everyone else since they are still inside even though I thought they were right behind us.

10 minutes later they started to finally head towards the van. El was walking down the pathway still talking and my mom and Claudia had their arms around her back like they are comforting her. They all got in and El being the last one to come in rolled her eyes once she realised that the only seat was next to me.

Once she sat down she faced her body away from me and looked out of of the indie the whole way back to the hotel. The rental was filled with tension however luckily there wasn't as much traffic as it has been this morning so it only took 20 minutes to the hotel. We all got into the lift and like I thought El tried to go into Claudia and Finns room but I grabbed her hand pulling her into my room, next door.

"Talk to me" I said stepping closer to El but every step I took was another step she took back. Even though I can tell she wanted to say everything that's been on her mind, she said nothing."I'll give you 5 minutes alone and then I want to know why you have practically been avoiding me." I said walking into the bathroom and locking the door behind me. Soon enough 5 minutes was up so I splashed my face with cold water and headed back into the room however she wasn't there.

I was going to head to Finn's room because I can guarantee she's in there but then I thought about what if she needs space. I texted her letting her know that I'm here for her and want to listen which was instantly left on read without a response.

I opened up the blinds to the balcony and opened the door sitting on the chair that was overlooking the view outside. Watching all the cars and people going past. Thousands of different people and thousands of different life experiences.

I was sat outside for a good while just thinking  until it got dark and cold so i decided to go back inside, remembering to lock the door behind me. It is now 10pm and i kinda gathered that El was not going to come back to the room tonight to talk. I got into my pjs and pulled out my laptop, loading up the office knowing that i need a good laugh.

7 episodes down now and i decided to just stop waiting up for El since its clear she isnt coming back now that its 1:30am. I texted her goodnight and put my phone on charge before going to sleep.

It's been 2 hours since i said i was going to sleep and news flash i haven't. I don't think i will be able to which is bad since i have a show later. Something I'm not going to do tho is go on my phone because then I'll be up for a lot longer.


There was a knock on my door so i got up to answer the door to see El standing in the corridor with mascara running down her face with a piece of paper in her hand. "I am so sorry Billie" she said going in for a hug and crying on my shoulder. I did my best to try and move her into the room so no one would see her like this.

I shut the door and pulled away sitting on the bed and El following sat opposite me. She took a deep breath. "I was upset because i thought you were embarrassed of me when you mentioned how you would be in a relationship with me and that you were just holding my hand for publicity. So i spent most of the day kinda annoyed at you but also trying to convince myself that I don't need you."

"I was never not emb-"

"But i cant convince myself that i don't need you because I love you Blillie"

-1016 words

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