T h i r t y - S i x

150 6 0

14th April 2021

Billie's POV

The show is finally finished and all I want to do now is go back to the hotel, have a shower and then go to sleep not letting anyone or anything ruin my sleep tonight. Getting off the stage, we got hit with the backstage panic like usual. Me and Finn took off out mic packs and putting the mic into the box to be sterilised for the next person to use and headed to the green room. Walking in the green room, we were met with my mom rushing around and it wasn't long until she was making us leave the venue.

I started to head to where we put the van however instead of the van being there, there was an empty space. "The bus is over here" my mom said catching the attention of all of us as she turned right. Please please please don't be a tour bus. I just want to shower and go to bed but now i cant even shower. We all followed her, me walking a little slower than i was previously knowing the likelihood of being on the tour bus for the next couple of months.

As we turned around the corner we see a tour bus. Surprise surprise. We walked on and I always get to choose my bunk first which I'm so glad with. We all got in and our suitcases from the hotel was in the living room area. I placed the bag i always take to the venue, placing it on the couch before heading to the bed area. Straight away i go to the bed that i wanted which is the top right bunk right at the back.

I jumped up on the bunk and placed my head on the pillow ignoring everyone who is being loud at the front of the bus.  It wouldn't be the worse thing to have a nap.


"Bil" Els voice was whispering near my ear. "Billieee" She whispered again shaking my shoulder a little harder. I slowly opened my eyes and the bus is in darkness which im guessing means everyone has gone to sleep. "Yeah" I mumbled while turning over so I could face her.

"Can you come with me?" She asked holding up my shoes meaning she means outside.

"Umm sure" I slowly rolled out of bed, remembering to bend my head slightly so i dont hit it on the frame of the bed before putting on my shoes while being half asleep.

We pressed the button opening the bus door to leave to see a blacked out car waiting for us a couple spaces away. El got into the back first and I got in after her. I glanced to the driver who didnt speak once. As soon as we were both buckled in he immediately started pulling away and this was when i started thinking about what if im being kidnapped.

The driver was wearing A black hoodie with sun glasses and a black face mask on which doesn't help the scenario in my head and then i look at El who is already looking at me. She smiles before putting her hand on top of mine interlocking her fingers before looking out of the window closest to her.

The drive went on for about 30-40 minutes without anyone saying a word which is really weird. Im just glad i fell asleep in this hoodie because im so cold right now even with it. We pulled up to what looks like a field and El opened her door, getting out before walking over to my side and opening my door.  We walked for a couple of minutes before she stopped. "Can you turn around?" She asked and I turn around and instantly lost my vision as a piece of material was placed over my eyes.

I started to panic and El reassured me that it was going to be okay before directing me to walk forward more with her arm around my back helping me feel more secure in walking on the uneven ground.

Finally she said that i could take the blindfold off after walking for a while and I didnt hesitate in doing that. When i took the blindoff off i was met with bright light. My eyes adjusted to the light and then i realised what i was looking at. A field with a projector and a double seat with loads of blankets and a sheet a couple of meters away from the seats.

El walked forward first taking her shoes off and standing on the sheet that covered the floor before grabbing my hand and directing to do the same without even saying anything. At this point i cant help but feel shocked. I mean an hour ago i was fast asleep dreaming about whatever i was dreaming about but now im in a random field with a projector.

We both sat down and the dude that drove us appeared out of no where and turned on the projector before doing a single nod and walked away in the direction the car was. The starting music started playing and straight away i gasped after realising what film it was. "Holy shit! Labyrinth?" I asked and El nodded smiling. I leaned back in the chair trying to find a comfortable position before El pulled me gently onto her chest and i didnt even fight just leaning into her chest more while watching the film.

The film finished and we just sat around talking and laughing like we use to do before everything happened. Ive missed this. "So what was this about?" I asked referring to all of this tonight.

"I haven't been the best person to you and while you were asleep me and Finn were talking about how you've felt like ive been leading you on recently with everything that happened last night and me being distant at times. I just wanted to show you how much you mean to me and that i would do anything to make you happy with me again." I couldn't help but smile at her and her attempt of trying to do good by me.

She pulled up her phone and called someone "We are all done" she said and hung up. She went to stand up but i pulled her back down looking down at her lips then making eye contact again. "Are you sure you want to do this, this early on Bil?" she asked and im not gonna lie i have no idea.

Next thing we know the black out car is coming towards us honking his horn a couple of times making us move away from how close we were to each other and stand up. The dude got out of the car and opened the boot "Lets get everything in" a voice said and that was when it hit me "Claudia?" i asked and she pulled down the face mask smiling. I hugged her and she explained how when El told her about this idea she offered to help knowing how happy it would make me.

-1229 words

A/N: Not gonna lie i have no idea what this chapter was gonna be like

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