F o r t y

126 6 0

28th April 2021

Billie's POV

"No, about the kiss " hearing this i carried on singing so they don't think I'm listening but i genuinely want to go home and cry.

"I just want to make you feel okay"

"We cant let her know. I've got to know Billie over the last couple of years and I know how much you mean to her but if she finds out this is going to break her"

"But all you do is look the other way" As they carry on the conversation and i carry on singing i start crying slightly just thinking how loyal i have been to find out Eleanor has had a thing for her boss. No wonder why she got lieutenant only two weeks of joining that specific fire station.

I finish the song bow slightly and put on my acting face. I want to see if Eleanor would tell me what has been going on. Yes I'm pissed at her so I'm calling her Eleanor. Running off the stage, I instantly ran into her arms. "That was so gooddddd" I said energetically and instantly interlocked our hands walking to get my bag from the green room and heading to her car.

"Baby i was thinking we could go to my house and watch a show all cuddled up" Granted right now i don't want to call her baby but i know if i didn't she would know something is up.

"Yeah that sounds good" She said calmy like nothing is wrong. What the fuck.

We got in the car and i grabbed the Aux cord attaching it to my phone and putting on my playlist called 'Petty'. Yeah that's right. Usually i listen to it in the shower because there's some good songs on there but i feel like right now is a good occasion to bring it out.

Most of the drive was quiet with the music playing in the background but this is how it usually is after a show because my throat always hurts slightly since im singing for about an hour and a half straight. On a couple of songs El taps her fingers on the steering wheel to the songs.

She drove into my driveway and i got the key fob and clicked it to open the garage door. It started lifting up and El slowly drove towards it parking the car and then like always walking to my side to open the door. We decided during the drive we were going to make dinner first since its about 9 at night and we need to eat.

We walked into the kitchen hand in hand with shark following us. i opened the fridge with El behind me and we just looked for a couple of seconds "What do you fancy" I asked. Looking in the fridge like this makes me realise that i need to go get some groceries soon. she wrapped her arms around my waist and kissed my neck "Can you make the Chicken noodle soup that you always make?"

I couldn't help but smile since that was what i was thinking as well but then remembered what i found out today so i moved away grabbing the stuff we need "Of course". Since it takes about an hour to make i decided that we should go on live.

"Babyyyy!" I yelled throughout the house and instantly she ran towards the kitchen with a worried looking on her face

"What's wrong" She asked standing just out of the kitchen.

"I'm going to go on live while i cook food. Just so you know" Her face eased up as soon as i mentioned live and started to walk over to me. "Okay angel im going to have a quick shower" She explained pecking my lips before walking out of the kitchen. As soon as she was out of sight i wiped of the kiss. Who knows who she last kissed.

I set up live and instantly people were surprised that I'm live since i haven't been live for ages and considering i have just done a show i am very energetic. I turned music on in the background so i can hum to something while i cook in between explaining what I'm doing to the live.

About 20 minutes into the live El came down looking hot as hell. I mean sure I'm not going to trust her for a good while and I'm not going to trust her even longer if she doesn't tell me but i can still find people attractive. I smiled at her and moved over slightly so she could be in frame too.

Through-out the live we showed what we were doing and the stuff we were adding in and while we were waiting for it to cook we were dancing around like idiots to whatever song was playing.

"Okay guys me and El are going to go and eat the food now but maybe we will do more of these who knows. I LOVE YOU SO MUCHHHHH" I said before kissing the camera and pressing end live. I dished us both up a portion of the soup and grabbed us both a fork to meet El in the living room with the office ready to play. I past her, her bowl and spoon before pressing play and sitting down. As soon as the first line played i realised this was and still is my favourite episode. Usually i would be all over her for turning on my favourite episode but instead i smiled at the tv and carried on watching while eating.

After we finished the food and the episode she grabbed the dishes and started loading them into the dishwasher so i went to my room and turned on the Pixar film 'Up' which makes me cry every time.

She came up and lied next to me so i lifted up her arm and lied on her chest. You may be thinking what are you doing you idiot well my plan is to watch the film and pretend to fall asleep and hope she gives some sort of confession and on the rare chance i fall asleep I'm also recording the audio.

The plan was going to plan. I watched about 20 minutes and cried when Ellie died like always. I got comfy on the chest and closed my eyes while making my head lighter so I'm actually asleep.

About 20 minutes later she finally realised that i was 'asleep'. I could hear her taking a couple of photos and felt her stroking my hair. "I'm so sorry angel"

-1096 words

Happy Easter!!!!

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