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the next day.
Bill's POV
it was still early about 9 am and i woke up n got dressed. i wore some black jeans, a black top that had some band on it and a spiked jacket. i drove to the apartment complex.

when i got there i looked to the 2md floor to see most of the lights on.
i walked up the stairs and to 206.
i knocked on the door, she answered still looking sloppy. i pushed the door knowing im strong than her so she couldn't hold back.

"bill why are you here?"
"we need you. now come on."

bill came through the door.
"we need you come on"
"no!" i said back. "come on." he said in a firm voice, "no get out!"
he grabbed my wrist and started pulling me. i grabbed my bag that i had last night it still had my phone, earphones, cigarettes and some gum in. he dragged me down the hallway.

when we got to the bottom of the stairs he turned around. "get in the car now dont try anything or ill shoot you dead" he said slightly scaring me.
i walked beside him and got in his car.

i opened my phone, "i know. they told me i have to come get you" zak said.
"no dont. they will let me go if it doesn't work i told them i cut you off and the rest or my family but it didnt work" i messaged him back.
i closed my phone and looked out the window.

we pulled up to the same house as last time and he dragged me inside.
"i can fucking walk get off of me!" i said trying to pull myself away from him. next thing i knew a cold sharp pain was in my cheek. he slapped me.
"dont talk to me like that." he continued pulling me back to my room.

he flung me inside and then stepped in himself. "bill, what are you doing?" a small woman from the doorway said. "fuck off katie" he said slapping her and pushing her outside. "sorry" she muttered as he slammed the door shut. i stood up off of the floor.

"sit down." he said pointing to the bed. "fuck off" "dont talk to me like that." he repeated. "i know you haven't cut off zak." "yes i have leave me alone!" he grabbed me and chucked me on the bed.

he hovered over me, his dreads in my face. he put all his pressure into my hip bone so i couldn't get up. "bill get off me!" "this is what happens when you lie." he said ripping my shirt off of me. "please bill get off me!!" I yelled trying to break free from his grip.
i covered my boobs with my hands trying to keep him from taking off my bra but it didnt work. "get off!" he punched me hard around my face just enough to knock me unconscious.
i could still hear and feel but not see or move. he pulled his boxers down  along with his jeans and then the rest of my clothes. he lined himself up with my entrance. as he thrusted into me it was torture like i was being stabbed a million times but that didnt stop him. he continued to. i wanted to scream and push him off but i couldn't. i heard him groan and pull out of me. he finally finished. what a sick bastard.

i woke up and saw him slam the door shut. i stood up and then tried to pull myself together but i was shattered.
my first time was from rape. i stood up and walked over to this set of drawers. i saw loads of small tops but then one oversized shirt that had graphite on it. it was definitely Tom's.

i walked out of the room and sat on a couch. i saw the small red haired girl sitting down and i went to sit next to her. "what's your name" "angelica but call me angel." "did he?.." "you already know." "im sorry angel" "Its not your fault" she pulled me into a hug and i felt safety in her arms.

after a while i heard a familiar voice shout for Katie. she ran over to him.
i still sat on the sofa until tom walked in. "hey angelica is it?" "yeah."
"im sorry. i would of done something but it would get us both killed."
"it's fine. im gonna get a shower." i said walking into the bathroom.

as i washed my hair his groans filled my head looming around. i scrubbed my body trying to get the feeling of his hands off of me. i stepped out of the shower and put on my clothes and Tom's t shirt. i wiped away the fog on the mirror before punching it making it shatter everywhere.
i took a peice of it and slid it along my arm. the cold feeling felt so bad yet so familiar. "ANGELICA IS EVERYRTHING OKAY?!" tom shouted from the outside of the door. i unlocked it. "it is now" i said smiling.

i collapsed into him as he catches me.

she fell into my arms and her blood pooled around her. "BILL KATIE" i shouted. they both came running as georg called an ambulance. me and katie went into it together but bill didnt seem to care.

i woke up in a hospital bed with a sharp pain in my wrists. i looked down to see them all bandaged up along with my knuckle.

i looked over and saw tom and katie slouched in chairs and a UV drip in my arm. i quickly ripped it out and went into the bathroom. i looked in the mirror to see myself again. i wanted to scream as loud as i could but didnt want too at the same time.

as i walked out i bumped into someone. "omg your awake angel!" katie said engulfing me into her arms.
"yeah im okay dont worry"
"dont do that again i get why but please" "i wont dont worry."
"you can come home later they just need to check your blood pressure."
"okay thank you"

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