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Angelica has fallen asleep not so long ago on my shoulder. i slid her off carefully before standing up.
i noticed something coming out of her waistband, i pulled it down slightly and saw a deep cut on her thigh.

i pulled her waistband before going to my room, i woke up to running in the hallway outside my room.
i opened my door to see angel who was all dressed up in heels and everything running away from tom who had something in his hand.

i ran after them, "get him to stop!"
she said laughing.
"it's just a spider!" "that's a tarantula tom! get away" he put the spider outside. "why are you all dressed up?"
"i got bored" "you cant wear that to a gunfight" tom said. "what gunfight?"
"we're meeting the budo gang"
"do i get a gun?" "no. you would shoot everyone" she rolled her eyes and walked back to her room.

she came out an hour later wearing low rise jeans that had some kind of design on the back pockets and a black crop top. "eat." i said handing her a plate of food. she moved it away, "im not hungry." "i dont care eat."
she ate it but looked like she had done something bad. she went to the bathroom as i took her plate.

"what's taking her so long?" tom said.
"i dont know go see" i sat down on the couch and tom came back.
"shes throwing up"
"oh fuck sake" i walked to the bathroom. "angelica open the door."
"one second" she flushed the toilet and the opened the door.

she sat down on a couch, "i have a quince tomorrow can i go?"
"what's a quince?" "a quinceañera?"
"what those partys" "no your not going to a party" "it's a birthday party, its Carla's and i gotta be there for her"
"were coming" "you cant. your german" "so?" tom said sitting down next to her. "you cant take people who arent spanish to a quinceañera!"
"so we'll just pretend to be spanish"
"okay whatever." katie walked in and looked at Angelica.

she looked back at her. "angel please!" she sobbed. "fuck off!" she pushed her into the wall but katie continued to go after her. "Katie go away! go fuck bill or something" "Angelica please. your my only friend!" "i dont give a single fuck" angela walked to the car and sat in the front seat. tom was driving and i was in the back with georg and gustav.

i was playing music in my earphones until i started getting called by zak."speak Spanish im in the car" i said. "okay, your going to a gunfight do you have to glock i packed?" "yeah. dont worry"
"be safe angel i love you"
"love you too"

i rested my arm on my waistband and felt the gun. it made me feel safe and have defense in my actions.
we got to a building that was just a massive hall. it was messy and there was blood on the floor, i walked inside and felt uneasy.

"lights?" bill yelled.
"on it!" someone shouted.
the lights flickered on to reveal a man.
"who's that?" i whispered to bill.
"an old friend." he said back.
4 men entered the building.
"bill kaulitz. ive missed you" i recognized the voice. he was one of zaks friends from college.

"carlos?" i said. "long time no see angel" i smiled and he smiled back.
"what's do you want?" Bill said
"you killed our women!"
"i did indeed."
"so we must kill yours" he raised a gun at me and i pulled mine out of my waistband. "you aged well didnt you angela" "i guess?" he cocked the gun backs and went to shoot but i had shot him already. the rest of the gang had they're gun raised and went to shoot but everyone else had shot them already.

we walked out and Bill's friend joined us. "how did you know carlos"
"zaks old friend from college."
"one second Carla's calling me."
she started speaking extremely fast in Spanish. "carla! calm down. what's happened" "he broke up with me!"
"who did?" "Clyde!" she said sobbing.
"whatever he was ugly anyways"
"your not comforting! where are you i need my sister" "you know them mansions near Avenue park"
"near Kyle's?" "yeah" "i live in the second one with some friends!"
"no shit" "yeah, come over later im not home right now"

she started speaking Spanish.
"hey what's she saying?"
"wait. shes Dominican."
"so?" "its different they swap rs with ls and bs with ts"
"fuck sake."
"shes saying something about carla how someones ugly, clyde?"
"Carla's husband"
"oh boring"
she took something out of her pocket and started eating it. atleast shes eating something.

we got home and she was different but i shrugged it off.
we walked in and she kicked off her shoes. there was a knock on the door.
"carla?" she said opening it.
she pulled angel into a hug.
they started speaking spanish
"what did i say about languages"
"she doesn't know english you fucking dumbass!" she walked upstairs with her.

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