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james crawled out from under my bed. my window was locked so we ran down to Katie's room. "sh dont say anything ill explain later!" i said as he jumped out of her window. she was on the first floor so he was okay.
"speak spanish w me."
"so i saw him in the window of his house and he came over and then we got drunk and then yeah"
"we will discuss that later but lest focus on you getting shot"
"come to the bathroom"
we went into the bathroom and i pulled up my dress revealing the big bandage covered in blood.

"im gonna change the bandage and clean it. it might hurt sorry"
she done exactly that and it hurt like fuck. she put on a new bandage.
"thanks I'm gonna go get changed and get some sleep okay?"
"okay heres some clothes" she said handing me a duffel bag
"thanks Katie. your always here for me and dont tell anyone that i got shot" "i wont. night angel"
"night Katie"

i walked back to my room and slid on wome sweatpants along with a crop top that shown half of my tits but i honestly didnt care.
i walked into the living room.
all the boys were there and they all stared at my boobs as i walked.
i adjusted my top and then sat down and went on my phone
"you tryna be a prostitute?" Bill said
"you tryna be my dad with that mouth?" "fair play."

"angelica can i talk to you in private?"
"no" i said looking back at my phone.
he grabbed my wrist and dragged me into his room. "Angelica listen its improtant" "zak is not gay. he doesn't like men." "jesus i dont want zak i want you! stop calling me gay!"
"huh?" "wdym huh?" "i didnt hear you" "i want you to be my girlfriend Angelica." "and i want my kidnapper to be hot but here we are!" i walked out and into my room and layed on my bed. falling asleep as soon as
my head hit the pillow.

i woke up by zak calling me.
"what's up" "hey im going to your apartment what clothes do you want?" "i have a suitcase on the island bring that please" "okay" "how are you gonna give them to me?"
"im seeing you later today"
"finally! ive missed you"
"ive missed you too red i gotta go see you later love you"
"love you too"
i hung up and walked into  my bathroom to brush my teeth.

"angelica?" tom said from outside the door "yeah?" "can i come in"
"yeah whatever" "we're seeing zak today" "i know" "okay good."
that reminded me of the little bag he gave me.  i shoved it under neath my bed, when tom left i grabbed it

i unzipped it to reveal my favourite lipgloss, one of his bracelets, one of his chains, and a belly ring and a tattoo gun? i walked to Katie's room.
"have you got a black pen?"
"yeah here" she handed me it and i went back to my room.

i filled up the ink and cleaned my thigh where i was tattooing.
i started drawing out a picture that zak had in his house that i always loved. it was some person with a hood up and was spray painting "gaslighting isnt real your just crazy"
once it was done i started the gun and traced it all with the black ink.

once it was done i went into the kitchen trying to find some cling film to wrap it in. i found some and sat up on the counter wrapping it.
i wore some denim shorts and a vest top. i walked into the living room,
"Angelica!" "tom" "what the fuck did you do?!" "nothing just something simple." "your crazy!" "gaslighter"
katie walked in and looked at my tattoo. "damn girl nice tattoo!"
"thank you baby" i kissed her on the cheek and went back to my room.

i put on the necklace and bracelet.
i looked in the mirror and how i gained weight, a mascara filled tear dripped down my cheek, "angel were going" "okay one sec" i wiped the tear and fixed myself up a bit.

i got in the car and sat next to bill.
"how did you do that?"
"do what?"
"tattoo" "i have my ways it's better if you dont question them."
"what would you do if I did?"
"tattoo a giant dick on your forehead."
he made a face at me before turning the steering wheel, we got to zaks house. "why are we here?"
"he needs to give you something"
"i get my clothes!" "i get my bras!" katie said mocking me.

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