drunk and drugged

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we laughed abit but then both sat down on his bed. "im sorry that he chose you and not carla. you had a whole life in front of you"
"i didn't actually. im only alive for zak. if he dies i die, it's how my family works. my plan was when he was off probation back at work and his life was back on tracks i would kill myself." "really? your only living for him?" "yeah. funny how it goes one way but not the other. he makes me fucking sick but hes all i have. hes my brother" "i get it. me and bill are the same. he makes me feel like shit but i love him" "yeah i love zak too much to care about what he says or what he does. when you think about all the wrong things hes done i would of killed him"
"im glad i met you lee"
"same to you kaulitz"
"get some sleep girl"
"you too"
that conversation was weird and felt off. the way he looked at me, the way he spoke, the way he responded.

i passed bill in the hallway on the way to my room. i wasnt paying attention and walked past him not saying a word and looking at the floor.
"angelica" he said snapping me back to reality. i walked away as soon as i saw his voice.

i reached my bedroom and layed down on my phone.
"hey zak you okay?" I messaged him.
whilst waiting for a response I went down to the kitchen for some water when kyle called me again.
we continued with our Russian.
"hey are your roommates asleep"
"no i think some are still awake"
"come over?" "maybe tomorrow baby im tired" "okay. get some rest darling"
"you too." "love you, goodnight"
"love you too"
i turned around to get a cup and saw bill standing there right in front of me shirtless. i moved out of his way and got a cup. "stop speaking spanish"
"its not Spanish." i said pouring myself some water. "dont lie to me"
"she ain't laying that's Russian bill" tom said walking in with a cigarette in his mouth he was shirtless and i caught some looks.

i stood beside him and took his cigarette. i took some puffs before getting my own from my pocket.
"fuck i forgot my lighter do you have one?" i asked tom.
"yeah here" he said handing me my lighter. "this is my lighter?"
"no it's not its mine"
"it's my red lighter. it literally says my name" "no it dont cus it's my lighter."
i looked at the bottom and there was my name In gold lettering.

"i needed a lighter"
"get your own"
"you get your own" he said grabbing it form me. i took his cigarette from his mouth and lit mine with his.
"i want that back!!!" i said as i walked out of the kitchen.

as she walked away bill started speaking. "what language are they speaking" "her first language is spanish, second is english and then russian" "so shes speaking russian?"
"maybe i think she knows another one" "wdym maybe"
"did she say kyle in the call?"
"her phone said kyle so yeah?"
"that's her husband"
"what?!" "yeah hes 54 i think"
"the fuck this girl playing at?"
he said walking out the kitchen

i walked out of the kitchen to Angela's room. i knocked on the door but opened it anyways.
she was in the middle of getting changed but i stayed in the room anyways. "jesus! what do you want?"
"your dating a 54 year old?!"
she didnt answer
"ANGELICA!" i shouted slamming her into the wall.
"FUCK OFF BILL! YOU DONT UNDERSTAND." she shouted back at me before locking herself in the bathroom.

Angelica hasn't came out of her room for the past 4 days. we were all worried about her but couldn't do anything. we needed to meet with zak but we couldn't we didnt have anyway of contacting him.

"shes showering. im gonna message zak off her phone okay?" tom said from the doorway. "yeah password is zaks birthday.

i walked into her room and heard the shower still running. i took the phone from the bed and tried to enter his birthday. "09, 09, 98" it wasnt right.
i tried again and again but was so focused i didnt even realise angelica was out the shower and standing in front of me.

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