no one will know

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i opened a cabinet in the bathroom and saw a medicine basket.
i opened some pain killers and took one, and then another and another until there was none left.
i still didn't feel fulfilled.
like i needed more, i stumbled out of my room feeling lightheaded and dizzy. i walked to the kitchen and opened all the drawers. "woah angel what you doing?" georg asked me.
"nothing. do you have any paracetamol?" "last cabinet near the fridge" "thanks" i walked over there and opened it.

i smirked at the view of all of the boxes. i opened another pain killer box and took one. when i went to take another his hand grabbed the box.
"your only ment to take one"
"but Georg-" i said before collapsing into his arms.

she fell into my clutch.
i didnt want to take her to the hospital so i just brought her to my room.
i layed her down on the bed before lighting a cigarette and standing at my window. after around an hour she still handt woke up, i went on my phone before lighting another cigarette as there wasnt much else to do.

2 fingers came up from the bed.
her fake nails shimmering in the moonlight, i smiled before handing it to her. "you alright now?"
"yeah. im okay" "good. sleep with bill tonight yeah?" "why?" "just incase you pass out again" "okay. thanks georg"
"no problem." she hugged me and i hugged her back before she wandered off into the hallway.

i done some loops around the hallway trying to remember what room is Bill's. "angel what are you doing?" tom said with a glass of water in his hand. "wheres Bill's room?"
"there" he pointed at a white door.
i opened it to see bill at the window smoking and katie on the bed.
"angelica what's up?"
"nevermind." i said slamming the door shut. "jesus what's up with you"
"nothing!" i shouted at tom before walking outside.

i opened my phone and pulled up Google maps. there was a beach nearby and i ran to it.
i watched the crystal clear water shone in the moonlight before getting a rush of energy, i stood up off of the sand and kicked off my shoes.
i rushed towards the water.
as the warmth went up my legs i dived in.

after a while of swimming i saw a familiar car, it was the stupid shitty gang. i watched as they all got out even katie was there, i dived into the water and swam further in hoping they wouldn't see me.

"ANGELICA!" bill shouted.
i got to the point where i couldn't stand and i submerged myself under the water. i stayed like that for a few seconds before going back up for air.
i saw that they were all now leaving and started swimming back to shore.
they drove away and i picked up my shoes and started walking. not to anywhere, just walking.

but i eventually got bored and started to do handstands. i slipped off my wet jeans which was the worst feeling and put my shoes on. i continued with my handstands and walking on my hands until i got to the house. at first i didnt realise until i stood up and saw the car. "oh shit" i mumbled as i saw bill looking at me through the window.

he came rushing out and i tried to run but soon fell over.
he ran over to me and grabbed my arm. "what the fuck is wrong with you" "i went swimming!" i said laughing. bill dragged me inside.
"hey go easy on her shes had alot of drugs" georg said. my face dropped.
"thought you were clean ang"
katie said smirking.
"i am clean. unlike you, you frothy mouthed cunt" i said getting in her face. "try me" i punched her in her neck and she had already ran to Bill's room sobbing.

bill kept screaming at her about drugs and running away. she just stood there and smiled. she started mumbling gibberish and her eyes closed. georg came behind her and grabbed her before she hit the floor.

"what happened?" bill said.
"nothing it's fine." georg said taking her to her room, i followed him.
we talked for a little while before she sat up in bed. she smiled at me and georg before grabbing clothes and undressing. "Angelica?" she mumbled in response. "we can leave?" "no it's fine i dont care" she said zipping up  a jacket.

"who wants a tattoo?" she sat down on the bed. "no one" georg chuckled.
"please! you only live once. better make the most of it?" "fine but i odnt know what to pick?"
"have you got any pets?"
"no." "any family that you love?"
"no." "jesus that's sad. how about a flower or a cigarette?"
"here do this" i said showing her a picture of his dick.
"no tom ew!" she said.
"Tom what the fuck?!" he said as we all laughed.

she cleaned a part on his arm and started drawing on it.
"what are you doing?"
"nothing it's a suprise"
she started tattooing him as me and him talked she just smiled and laughed occasionally.
"I'm done!"
"oh god." he turned around and saw a cigarette with the smoke rising and spelling the letters georg.
"it's actually okay!"
"see im amazing!"
"now tom."
"nuh uh"
"please!" "fine something small though." "where?"
"on his dick. that's something small"
georg said laughing
"from what I've seen through the sweatpants ion think it is!" she said grinning at him.

he looked at me and laughed.
she pulled up the back of my shirt and told me to lay down.
i gripped the sheets as she layed the tattoo gun in my skin.
when she was finally finished she took a photo and shown me.
"off limits!" and a line pointing to my ass. we all laughed until bill came in.

"what are you doing?"
"get out." she said standing up.
"what-" "GET OUT!" she shouted as he stumbled out.
we laughed as she shut the door.
"you got a special power on him."
"i know its fun"
she sat back down on the bed and sat the tattoo gun down.
"get some sleep angel" georg said leaving the room.

"hey tom?" she said sitting up at looking at me. "yeah-" she cut me off by kissing my lips passionately.
"angel. we cant" "i know that's what's so fun!" "no really we cant"
"yeah we can. bill doesn't know. no one will know."

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