"miss me chica?"

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after a while of talking tom woke up when the doctor came in. "hey we're here to check your blood pressure."
"okay" they put this thing around my arm and clicked it a few times.
"its stable but you will have to take some tablets if you can come with me please" i stood up and followed her out.

as i waited for her i heard familiar groaning. i walked towards the noise and saw bill pushing a nurse into the wall whilst fucking her. i ran back to the chair where i was sitting. the doctor came back and handed me a pill bottle. i thanked her and then walked back to my hospital room.

"im gonna throw up"
"why?!" tom said walking to me.
"i just saw bill raping some nurse downstairs." "omg ew!" katie said.
tom made a gagging sound.
"i can go home please let's go we can leave him here idc!" "leave who here"
bill said walking inside.

tom me and katie all looked at each other and tried not to laugh.
"my will to live" i said holding my breath after to try not to laugh.
"not funny" he said back. everyone but him burst out laughing.

i packed up my stuff and got in the car with katie. "did u get pills then angel?"
katie asked. "yeah some oxy im gonna snort it later" i said laughing. katie started laughing too. bill kept looking at me in the mirror.

we got back to the house.
i went to my room with katie and started to drink some liquor that she got. bill walked in. "what are you doing?" we both didnt answer. "katie?" "what.." she muttered back.
"get in your room. angel go to sleep"
I stood up and walked to her room but i lit a cigarette and stood up.

she stood up and started smoking
"go to sleep!" I shouted at her.
she didnt respond didnt even look at me just stood there no expression on her face. i smashed my lips against hers and she just continued to stand there didnt fight back just stood there.

i felt terrible but angry at the same time. she went to lay down on her bed but i grabbed her wrist. she looked at me with no expression her face standing still. i slapped her hard where she used to cry and kick me or hit me back. instead she just stood there and looked at me. i let go of her wrist and she layed down on her bed.

she out headphones in and started listening to music on her phone.
she then stood up and went to the bathroom. as i left her phone pinged.
"dad" her dad messaged her.
"get back home you stupid fucking slut! i mean it. if you want to keep all your fucking organs get home now!"
i read it as the door opened. tom stood there. "get out" i growled. he done as i said and left but threw some clothes on the bed for her. "carla messaged you" her phone pinged again.

"hey angel, come over. mark is here"
the bathroom door opened and she walked up to me and snatched her phone away. she read the message and replied. then read her dads. she was obviously scared on what to do but you couldn't see it on her face.

i left the bathroom and saw bill looking through my phone. i grabbed my phone off of him and read Carla's text and then my fathers. "im sorry dad. i love you" i werent gone text him again after this and i knew it.
and fucking mark is back. bill had already left and went to go fuck katie so i layed down in bed left alone with my thoughts. eventually i fell asleep, i woke up by the bed deepening beside me. i pretended to still be asleep.
once there breathing steadied i figure they were asleep and turned around.

it was mark. mark was sleeping next to me. i screamed and jumped of the bed. he immediately woke up and put his hand around my mouth and the other around my neck. tom came running in shirtless and a gunshot was fired.

Mark's limp body fell off of me and to the floor. i started crying into Tom's chest. "it's okay hes dead" he said rubbing my back. i continued crying
into him until katie came aswell and hugged me tight.  we both layed down on my bed and tom left. "i cant fucking believe him." "who was he?"
"my bat shit crazy ex boyfriend. he stalked my sister and then must of tracked me off of her phone."
"jesus! what's wrong with him"
"i dont know but what are we gonna do about his dead body in the corner of my room." "the boys will clean it up dont worry" "this happened before?"
"yeah lots of people break in here"
"fucking hell" "get some sleep angel."
she said resting her head on a pillow
at first i couldn't sleep all of these thoughts loomed around my head. Bill's hands on my body, Tom's abs against my skin when i hugged him, marks lifeless body on the floor and my dads text. after a while i fell asleep exhausted.

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